here's the Truth.

overeign mbodiment   I he
oundation or utained ucce.


imagine if you could...

reprogram your subconscious mind


break free from consciousness traps


Uncover your medicine, mission + purpose


move the masses + lead with integrity


well, you can.

t's ime or ou o ctivate, mbody, nd nleah OUR ruth.

You are here during this revolutionary time to answer the call and be the change. You're ready to make an impact and income along the way. Through guidance and embracing the journey, your gifts, wisdom, and lessons learned along the way, you're ready to unleash your medicine and take your life to the next level, where you've FINALLY made your desires your reality.

Navigating through these changing and revolutionary times, you know, deep within, that you're here to share with the world your medicine, how you've been able to overcome what you have with conviction, integrity, Truth, and intention.

You're choosing to make the most out of your life by answering the call in your full sovereign power to live out your soul's mission. Your vision for your future involves you spreading your message and medicine across the world. You're here to do it, being unapologetically YOU!

As you enter and embark on the journey into the Golden Age, understand that the outdated teachings of success are out of alignment to the new frequencies and paradigm of business. By going within and committing to the deeper work, you've been able to pierce the veil and recognize what's out of integrity and what's coming from a space of genuine, authentic intention. 

Truth is, this recognition comes first from within.

s a overeign CEO (and this goes for you aspiring spiritual entrepreneurs out there too!), you are here to move the masses with your medicine. FOR YEAR, you've been putting in the work, and now, it's time to cultivate the solid foundation of your THRIVING online empire... YOU in your Sovereign Embodiment.

mbark oday!

your 8-part self realization journey towards sovereign embodiment


s you begin to honor the journey of what you've been able to overcome, what you've learned, and how you got through it, best believe there are people out there who are ready to learn and experience your medicine.

HRIVE is the experience you've been calling in.

blaire z.

the shift in my perspective of those shadows within my Being is the greatest gift offered to me through HRIVE. 

ith hrive, ou'll egin o...

◆ honor your past by integrating the wisdom and lessons learned along the way to connect the dots and realize your soul's greater mission and purpose

◆ break free from the shackles and transmute the conditioning that's kept you small into fuel to share your message and medicine out into the world

◆ cultivate a relationship with the cosmos to answer the call and serve the masses and your community on a deeper energetic level

◆ take back your power and become embodied in your sovereignty, ready to lead through your authentic power 

◆ come into wholeness to ascend to your highest, sovereign embodiment

...and best believe there's more of where that came from.

meet the babes of HRIVE

cck a apt t discvr mr

mbark on he edicine Journey



◆ embrace the wisdom of your medicine journey to pave the path to greatness in the Golden Era

◆ transmute victim consciousness and understand what it takes to actualize your dreams + desires


◆ identify your core wounds + traumas in order to reclaim your power and rewrite your story

◆ honor your lineage by transcending the generational traumas, beliefs, + conditions 



◆ activate your ten bodies, cultivate energetic boundaries + balance your masculine + feminine energy to embody your Truth

◆ awaken the Sacred Disruptor + live out your Sat Nam, your Truth,
as your embodied, authentic, sovereign self



◆ honor your unique flare and uncover your medicine
by Embracing your Superpowers

◆ cosmically align your mission and how you show up to serve
by honoring the phases of la luna and astro seasons


mbark ow


Within this container, you'll experience True Sovereign Embodiment and from that space, you'll begin to activate your legacy.


Intentionally chosen to support each chapter, these meditations are here to help you magnetize your desires + activate your potential.

Each module will feature a Kundalini Yoga Sadhana to reprogram the subconscious mind + implement new habits.



Inside the THRIVE HIVE Private Community, you're invited to celebrate your wins with your soul squad, ask the questions that arise, and connect!

Here's what's included...

click the package to discover more


Within this container, you'll experience True Sovereign Embodiment and from that space, you'll begin to activate your legacy.


Intentionally chosen to support each chapter, these meditations are here to help you magnetize your desires + activate your potential.

Each module will feature a Kundalini Yoga Sadhana to reprogram the subconscious mind + implement new habits.


join the waitlist


Every other week over an 8-week period, we'll be gathering for group coaching were you can ask your questions and come together in community.


Inside the THRIVE HIVE Private Community, you're invited to celebrate your wins with your soul squad, ask the questions that arise, and connect!

Here's what's included...

click the package to discover more

et o now abrina

shamanic brand strateist for soverein leaders

welcome, I'm Sabrina

s a hamanic Brand trateist, my mission is to infuse ancient wisdom with modern technoloy to help more ood people, make ood money, doin reat thins in the world. Honorin strateies around soulful systems, quantum healin, and brand medicine, I uide overein Leaders, like you, to enrich their brand so that is authentically alined to their hihest, most radiant, and abundant self.

Just know that with my 20+ years of brand development + strateic marketin experience, while you're embarkin on the journey to activate your leacy, I'm here to help you realize... linment is the True Hustle.

ll in all, it's important for you to understand that you brin somethin unique to the world and now's the time for you to unleash it. s you continue to embark deeper on your spiritual quest, just know what an honor it would be to be part of your oulistic Journey.

Question is... are you ready to honor your ifts, passions, and wisdom experienced alon the way? Ready to take your business to hiher heihts? If yes, best believe now's the time to answer the call and revolutionize the world with your medicine.




When I first heard Sabrina talk about THRIVE on Instagram, I knew it was a program I wanted to be a part of, partially because I could see and feel Sabrina’s fire and passion. I have worked with other coaches in terms of doing the inner healing work; however, between Sabrina’s words of wisdom and the worksheets, you are asked to go to places within you that are so deep and painful (in a good way) so you can allow yourself to shift. Her worksheets specifically are so specific, you really get to know yourself on an intimate level like you never have before. Before the program I honestly felt confused and indecisive. I knew I had a bigger mission but it felt so out of reach.

During and after this program I now feel so much love and closeness to myself and to my soul’s desires. The Kundalini Yoga is a great addition and you feel incredible and uplifted after the classes and shorter video practices. The group calls were so great in that it felt like we were all a soul family helping and holding space for one another. Sabrina is so dedicated to helping you really hone in on what you are here to do and how you can serve. She doesn’t sugar coat anything which I love!! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this program and for holding space for all of us!

" I now feel so much love and closeness to myself and to my soul’s desires."

Catherine Caputo

When I began THRIVE, I knew it was going to be exactly what I needed to kick my butt into full gear.  I knew that I had all the tools within me to create the business and life I wanted but I sensed I needed Sabrina’s medicine and loving support to truly bring them out of me.

I was able to quit my full time job and start making the same amount of money doing my healing work, began a new romantic relationship that is going really well, and also launched my first course ever with participants!!

Since dedicating myself to the THRIVE journey I have embodied more of who I am both as a woman and a healer. I feel that my biggest achievements in this journey have been the course I launched, the extra clients that came to me, starting a book and beginning a new relationship. These have been goals for the last year but it wasn’t until THRIVE that they all began to flow into my life.

"I was able to quit my full time job + start making the same amount of money doing my healing work"

eigh ipper

THRIVE helped me reorganize my daily life and reclaim my powerful intentions. With THRIVE, I got back into daily kundalini work and reflection. I dropped a really draining and unfulfilling business idea and birthed Earthshine Moon Collective, an inclusive moon circle subscription that will include Tarot, self-study, meditation and activism.

I stepped into and now fully own my role as writer, having the confidence to ask for a major project with a museum and landing it! I feel myself more at ease in my relationship, having done deep inner child and ancestral healing.

This program went deep, it was unrelenting and Sabrina really cares about her students in a genuine way. She offered herself authentically and readily at every turn, emphasizing how we are more than capable of creating our own unique versions of the liberated life she lives.

After THRIVE, I am my true self, liberated from false light teachings that kept me in a healing loop AND the deep wounds I harbored that really were still running the show more than I realized. Sabrina is a dear teacher I will study with again and again.

"after THRIVE, I am my true self, liberated from false light teachings that kept me in a healing loop"

auren iemont

You will find REAL results with THRIVE. I can attest that staying consistent with the program will get you the results you want. I truly found the strength to move forward and share my medicine.

Since beginning this experience I started to shift and become brave into vocalizing what I want out of my life and start taking the actionable steps to truly embody myself and share my medicine. I began to realize some of the trauma or blocks I had were situations and ideas from my childhood and from my parent's upbringing. I started understanding that everyone is doing the best they can with what they have and where they are in their journey. I started to respect this and it truly felt liberating to understand that concept.

I can literally hear the passion and realness in Sabrina's videos and I feel courageous, empowered, and feeling more knowledgeable about how to tackle this life with grace and strength. Honor yourself by taking the deep dive with THRIVE.

"You will find REAL results with THRIVE."

Jessica ominguez

Sabrina's THRIVE program is like nothing else I've ever experienced with online coaching or in person. THRIVE gave me immediate tools to work with that maintain me every day as well as a great community to be part of. The weekly content was spot on for where I was and what I was able to receive at the time. 

Sabrina doesn't hand hold, but rather holds me accountable in such a joyful way, it has empowered me and allowed so much needed inspiration in on my personal life as well as my business. Treating my whole self is having positive effects on my spiritual life as well as my family life and this is trickling down into my work. 

I've broken through years of frustration in this program and I feel like I've been given the tools, that as I keep using, are helping me propel into the next level in all aspects of my life. I would recommend this program 100% to anyone ready to up level in any or all areas of their life.

"I've broken through years of frustration."

Kylie Cole .:. Quantum oula

THRIVE created a sacred space for me to uncover my truth, to meet my worth, to claim my power and to accept myself fully as the beautiful being of energy that I am. 

I learned what it truly means to love myself, to accept myself and to open my heart to all of life's experiences. We have all experienced pain, darkness, trauma and grief. The shift in my perspective of those shadows within my Being is the greatest gift offered to me through THRIVE. 

I learned what it means to truly understand that life is happening for me and not to me. That my experiences are my own and how I choose to share those experiences with the Collective is the medicine I am here to offer. 

I believe that as souls, we create contracts prior to taking on a human body. We choose the experiences, families, cultures, etc. that we are born into so that we may fulfill the contracts we made as souls. THRIVE has offered me the roadmap to coming home to my soul's contract.

"The shift in my perspective is the greatest gift offered to me"

blaire zika

ore npiring hrive lumni torie

When I first heard Sabrina talk about THRIVE on Instagram, I knew it was a program I wanted to be a part of, partially because I could see and feel Sabrina’s fire and passion. I have worked with other coaches in terms of doing the inner healing work; however, between Sabrina’s words of wisdom and the worksheets, you are asked to go to places within you that are so deep and painful (in a good way) so you can allow yourself to shift. Her worksheets specifically are so specific, you really get to know yourself on an intimate level like you never have before. Before the program I honestly felt confused and indecisive. I knew I had a bigger mission but it felt so out of reach.

During and after this program I now feel so much love and closeness to myself and to my soul’s desires. The Kundalini Yoga is a great addition and you feel incredible and uplifted after the classes and shorter video practices. The group calls were so great in that it felt like we were all a soul family helping and holding space for one another. Sabrina is so dedicated to helping you really hone in on what you are here to do and how you can serve. She doesn’t sugar coat anything which I love!! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this program and for holding space for all of us!

" I now feel so much love and closeness to myself and to my soul’s desires."

Catherine Caputo

When I began THRIVE, I knew it was going to be exactly what I needed to kick my butt into full gear.  I knew that I had all the tools within me to create the business and life I wanted but I sensed I needed Sabrina’s medicine and loving support to truly bring them out of me.

I was able to quit my full time job and start making the same amount of money doing my healing work, began a new romantic relationship that is going really well, and also launched my first course ever with participants!!

Since dedicating myself to the THRIVE journey I have embodied more of who I am both as a woman and a healer. I feel that my biggest achievements in this journey have been the course I launched, the extra clients that came to me, starting a book and beginning a new relationship. These have been goals for the last year but it wasn’t until THRIVE that they all began to flow into my life.

"I was able to quit my full time job + start making the same amount of money doing my healing work"

Leigh Tipper

THRIVE helped me reorganize my daily life and reclaim my powerful intentions. With THRIVE, I got back into daily kundalini work and reflection. I dropped a really draining and unfulfilling business idea and birthed Earthshine Moon Collective, an inclusive moon circle subscription that will include Tarot, self-study, meditation and activism.

I stepped into and now fully own my role as writer, having the confidence to ask for a major project with a museum and landing it! I feel myself more at ease in my relationship, having done deep inner child and ancestral healing.

This program went deep, it was unrelenting and Sabrina really cares about her students in a genuine way. She offered herself authentically and readily at every turn, emphasizing how we are more than capable of creating our own unique versions of the liberated life she lives.

After THRIVE, I am my true self, liberated from false light teachings that kept me in a healing loop AND the deep wounds I harbored that really were still running the show more than I realized. Sabrina is a dear teacher I will study with again and again.

"after THRIVE, I am my true self, liberated from false light teachings that kept me in a healing loop"

Lauren Piemont

You will find REAL results with THRIVE. I can attest that staying consistent with the program will get you the results you want. I truly found the strength to move forward and share my medicine.

Since beginning this experience I started to shift and become brave into vocalizing what I want out of my life and start taking the actionable steps to truly embody myself and share my medicine. I began to realize some of the trauma or blocks I had were situations and ideas from my childhood and from my parent's upbringing. I started understanding that everyone is doing the best they can with what they have and where they are in their journey. I started to respect this and it truly felt liberating to understand that concept.

I can literally hear the passion and realness in Sabrina's videos and I feel courageous, empowered, and feeling more knowledgeable about how to tackle this life with grace and strength. Honor yourself by taking the deep dive with THRIVE.

"You will find REAL results with THRIVE."

jessica dominguez

Sabrina's THRIVE program is like nothing else I've ever experienced with online coaching or in person. THRIVE gave me immediate tools to work with that maintain me every day as well as a great community to be part of. The weekly content was spot on for where I was and what I was able to receive at the time. 

Sabrina doesn't hand hold, but rather holds me accountable in such a joyful way, it has empowered me and allowed so much needed inspiration in on my personal life as well as my business. Treating my whole self is having positive effects on my spiritual life as well as my family life and this is trickling down into my work. 

I've broken through years of frustration in this program and I feel like I've been given the tools, that as I keep using, are helping me propel into the next level in all aspects of my life. I would recommend this program 100% to anyone ready to up level in any or all areas of their life.

"I've broken through years of frustration."

Kylie Cole .:. Quantum Doula

THRIVE created a sacred space for me to uncover my truth, to meet my worth, to claim my power and to accept myself fully as the beautiful being of energy that I am. 

I learned what it truly means to love myself, to accept myself and to open my heart to all of life's experiences. We have all experienced pain, darkness, trauma and grief. The shift in my perspective of those shadows within my Being is the greatest gift offered to me through THRIVE. 

I learned what it means to truly understand that life is happening for me and not to me. That my experiences are my own and how I choose to share those experiences with the Collective is the medicine I am here to offer. 

I believe that as souls, we create contracts prior to taking on a human body. We choose the experiences, families, cultures, etc. that we are born into so that we may fulfill the contracts we made as souls. THRIVE has offered me the roadmap to coming home to my soul's contract.

"The shift in my perspective is the greatest gift offered to me"

Blaire Zika
Stick + Poke Tattoo Artist

THRIVE has been such a transformative experience. It allowed for these pre-programmed systems to alchemize and become a new pattern. There space held for the uncomfortable bits, for the shadow, and it was embraced for what it was. There was no shaming or judgement.

Each piece of soul was held and given the room to be affirmed, disintegrate, or transform as it needed. I would recommend this experience to anyone who is ready and willing to commit to themselves and their future. It may not be the easiest process to move through, and it is so unbelievably worth it.

Sabrina is a beautiful soul leader and has cultivated a wonderful course to elevate each individual and really allow them to THRIVE. So much love.

Mary Wiggins .:. Associate Marriage and Family Therapist

It allowed for these pre-programmed systems to alchemize.

Sabrina has truly dedicated blood, sweat, and tears into this program. If you’re honoring yourself enough and honoring the way she has shown up for us getting through these weekly lessons / blessings, you will truly gain all of the benefits that are waiting for you.

Through her guidance and lessons I have healed an addiction I didn’t think I’d ever get rid of, I believe in my own power, and I can feel and respect the energy that surrounds us much stronger. I will forever have love for Sabrina and this soul sister circle we all have gained.

Jahaira Nieto

There are no words to describe THRIVE! It's been a Soul journey. I've never dived this deep into the WHY'S of my person struggles. That I buried deep inside myself for years. Simple guided discussions with Sabrina has help me define why my past was holding me back. I LOVE that I've been able to connect with my inner child. I almost forgot she was there and she reminded me that I need to have more fun. I was holding back for so long I forgot to acknowledge my I needed.

I allow myself to feel and express myself without the shame. besides all that she dives deep into manifesting and astrology, with incredible content. Every week builds on each other to give you a strong foundation. I can't thank you enough Sabrina.

Monica Iskandar .:. Akashic Records Reader

 I have healed an addiction I didn’t think I’d ever get rid of.

Sabrina has help me define why my past was holding me back.

more inspiring thrive alumni experiences

eady o xperience rue OVEREIGN MBODIMENT?

cc yu packag t mbar n yu juy

requently ked quetion

THRIVE was designed with the healer in mind. Essentially, anyone who's ready to align to their Truth and reach a state of sovereign embodiment.

This includes aspiring coaches, mentors, wellness guides, holistic practitioners, modern medicine womxn, energy workers, mystics, etc. The information provided is to help them come into wholeness so that they can go forth and answer their calling to revolutionize the world with their medicine.

Again, what you'll experience is based on how willing you are to do the work and show up fully. PSA. I’m not a genie. I'm not Sabrina the Teenage Witch here. I can’t tell you, yes, and I can’t tell you no. You’ll experience what it is you need to experience.

We all have our own process in this journey called life… you have to trust how your's is unfolding. Do the work and watch what happens.

The Universe always is working behind the scenes, delivering you your desires according to Divine Timing. It’s about doing the work to ALIGN to what it is you desire. THRIVE is here to help you to get there.

The great thing about online soul journeys is that you get to go at your own pace. Best believe you’ll get out of this experience what you put in. That’s how it works in all areas of life.

Every week, you'll gain access to a new chapter. Every two weeks, you'll gain access to your Module's Wake Pray Slay Kundalini Activation experience. It's suggested that you experience it at least once a week. Use your downtime to honor what arises and to implement the teachings. Follow through + integrate the transmission coming through in each chapter by committing to it. It’s all about you honoring the journey and trusting the process.

Take inventory on your energy and how you spend your time and spend it wisely with intention. Allow THRIVE to be part of your daily flow and take into action what it is you're learning. Make it a priority.

As you commit to THRIVE, you’ll begin to see how much you CRAVE it, because this is potent medicine here! Let's face it, you are here to uplevel and bless up this place with your medicine.

Feel free to reach out and connect
↠↠ ↞↞

Sabrina has truly dedicated blood, sweat, and tears into this program. If you’re honoring yourself enough and honoring the way she has shown up for us getting through these weekly lessons / blessings, you will truly gain all of the benefits that are waiting for you.

Through her guidance and lessons I have healed an addiction I didn’t think I’d ever get rid of, I believe in my own power, and I can feel and respect the energy that surrounds us much stronger. I will forever have love for Sabrina and this soul sister circle we all have gained.

 I have healed an addiction I didn’t think I’d ever get rid of.

jahaira Nieto

THRIVE has been such a transformative experience. It allowed for these pre-programmed systems to alchemize and become a new pattern. There was space held for the uncomfortable bits, for the shadow, and it was embraced for what it was. There was no shaming or judgement, Each piece of soul was held and given the room to be affirmed, disintegrate, or transform as it needed.

I would recommend this experience to anyone who is ready and willing to commit to themselves and their future. It may not be the easiest process to move through, and it is so unbelievably worth it. Sabrina is a beautiful soul leader and has cultivated a wonderful course to elevate each individual and really allow them to THRIVE. So much love.

It allowed for these
pre-programmed systems
to alchemize...

mary wiggins

There are no words to describe THRIVE! It's been a Soul journey. I've never dived this deep into the WHY'S of my person struggles. That I buried deep inside myself for years. Simple guided discussions with Sabrina has help me define why my past was holding me back. I LOVE that I've been able to connect with my inner child. I almost forgot she was there and she reminded me that I need to have more fun. I was holding back for so long I forgot to acknowledge my I needed.

I allow myself to feel and express myself without the shame. besides all that she dives deep into manifesting and astrology, with incredible content. Every week builds on each other to give you a strong foundation. I can't thank you enough Sabrina.

Sabrina has help me
define why my past
was holding me back.

monica iskandar

oRe owerful ransformations rom HRIVE

eady or our overeign mbodiment?





sign up now!

sign up now!

embark on your soul journey today!



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flow on your own

embark on your soul journey today!

group gathering

two monthly payments



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ready to activate and embody your Truth?

Business Alchemy + 12 private 1:1 Mentorship Calls




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save $901

ready to experience Business Alchemy without the extra 1:1 support?

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only 6 spots available!

* as a bonus snag 2 1:1 mentorship sessions

Join he overeign ociety

Subscb t u nwsltt

Sign up below to get your free Astro Digital Calendar and receive weekly emails to help you unleash your medicine.

By entering your email address below, you agree to receive weekly emails from me. You can unsubscribe at anytime.

hat OTHER opic re ou ot xcited o earn ORE bout?
And just like that, you're part of the Sovereign Society! Check your email to get the goods to help you unleash your medicine!