A Shamanic Brand Strategist on a mission to help Sovereign Leaders, like you, to activate their legacy and unleash their medicine.

Passionate about electronic music, traveling the world, and my dog Bud, best believe I've been keeping it real since 1989 and I'm not stopping any time soon.

ligning with my overeign mbodiment was the rue ustle.

At the time, while I was running a successful house music blog, interviewing the biggest DJs from around the world, living the life of any 23 year old's dream, there was a deep void I couldn't bypass any longer.  If I wanted to live the life I always desired, I was going to have to get to work and do the REAL work.

Growing up with severe depression and PTSD, I was always on a mission to do my best to shine my light wherever I was, but truth was, I was in such pain. I had deep, unprocessed trauma, found myself in abusive relationships, and even found myself calling a suicide hotline my senior year of college. All in all, I was a hott mess who needed a reset.

Giving it all up, I devoted my heart and soul to embody the most authentic and truest version of me. Truth was, I couldn't serve others wholeheartedly if I didn't first learn how to serve myself, my needs, and more importantly, my inner child first. I had to learn how to fill my cup, heal the wounds of my past and my lineage, while learning how to best honor and develop my boundaries and overall energy if I wanted to experience true success in the Golden Era and my business.

Along the way, I learned that if you want to succeed in overcoming changing times, you too must evolve and shift. That means getting radically honest about old habits, to rewrite stories from the past that are still running the show, and to do the deep work to heal the wounds and childhood traumas once and for all.

Like many other, I ingeted everything I could about all thing pirituality and fell for the "love and light" trap of deep piritual bypaing and fale light.

You have to understand something, many people who are just embarking on the spiritual path are doing so because they hit a rock bottom. Where I was, well... while I had low self-worth and confidence in myself, I had a whole lot of faith that I was going to get through what I was navigating through. With all my trauma and wounds exposed, there was a part of me that still had no clue where I belonged. What I knew most of all was that I was ready to finally break free from the shackles so that I could reclaim and embody my sovereignty once and for all.

After years of visiting healers around the world, reading hundreds of books, partaking in countless medicine journeys, and all the certifications and courses around, it wasn't until I stopped looking for answers outside of myself and started to learn to look within and trust myself and my intuition that I was able to finally ascend and align to my full, authentic power.

During my college years, my Marketing Professor at Chapman University anointed me with the name "The Marketing Machine." It wasn't until I found myself hitting rock bottom after a seizure that it was evident that my passion for brand development and soulful strategy always reigned supreme and was ready to be unleashed unlike ever before. Essentially, what kept me moving and going during those dark night of the soul moments was that I knew I had a massive mission to fulfill here on Earth and I wanted to help those who knew they too had a bigger purpose and mission to fulfill.

in 2012, my pup Bud and I were struck by lightning. yep, you read that right. 

Experience after experience of trial and error, I've learned what it takes to actualize the business and life of your soul's deepest desires. If you want to make an impact and revolutionize the world with your medicine,
doing the deep work is non-negotiable.

ready for the Truth.

It a cms dwn t yu giving yurslf prmissin t b fuy mbdid in yu

 sovereign truth.

I unapologetically shared my Truth with The Sovereign Society Podcast, taught at festivals and gatherings around the world, have been featured in publications and tarot decks, invited to teach at the UN, wrote a book, and continue to cultivate courses and experiences to help Sovereign Leaders from around the world on what it takes to activate their soulful business and unleash their medicine from the inside-out. 

When I was deep in my healing process, not only did I find myself keeping up with marketing trends, but I found myself tapping into the new wave of how to serve and unleash our medicine. And while we are living in a time to serve unlike ever before, see this as an opportunity to embrace your journey, all the wisdom you've learned along the way, and utilize the advancement of modern technology to not only create smarter, not harder, but to also answer the call to revolutionize the world with your medicine.

when the going got tough, I was on a mission to heal, activate, and answer the call to unleash my medicine unlike ever before. 

Luckily, for you, I'm here to show you how you can begin to LCHEMIZE your mess into your message.

six of pentacles for Moon Child Tarot by Danielle Noel

let's face it. we came here on mission to unleash our medicine and be part of the soul-ution. best believe all of it is
 Divinely Guided and protected.



after this dude and I were struck by lightning together, we've created a bond and connection that can never be broken. #thunderbuds



while music has always played a massive role in my life, truth is, music led me to God, helped me overcome depression, and offered me the opportunity to serve my community with my medicine. #letthemusicspeak 



it's a blessing to walk on this planet and to meet all walks of life. As a global citizen, I choose to be present to those I meet along the way, all while connecting with the beauty + gifts this world has to offer.



the higher the vibe, the greater the opportunities that arise. when you commit to do the deep work, best believe the reward is only going to be that much greater!



helping people cultivate the business + life of their dreams creates a ripple effect into the world. it's how we bless up the collective and our unified human experience. uh... yes, please!



the lone wolf days are over. each of us bring something unique to the table. when we come together and share our gifts, embrace what lights us up and live with intention, we have the power to revolutionize the world.



O hat XACTLY ake hi life orth living?

Honoring your values is non-negotiable, especially when you're in the world of service. As you choose to speak up and stand up for what's just, not only do you cultivate a deeper level of self respect, but you'll also be respected by others.


sovereignty is your birthright. this life of yours, it's up to you on how you choose to make the most of it. so the question is, as you answer the call to unleash your medicine, how are you choosing to stay true to you? looking for that permission slip, here it is!


there's no one out there quite like you! by embracing our vulnerable side and embodying what makes us, well... us, it's important to keep it real along the way. hello, i'm an italian gemini raised by immigrants and new yorkers. we tell it like it is.


the ethos behind why I do what I do

rust me when I say I have many identities...

and while those are identities my brain uses to differentiate myself from others, what threads them all together are the values and the ethos that have allowed me to radiate my radness.

get to know sabrina

01. atal eets




02. AVORITE isney rincess

jasmin, duh.

03. AVORITE crystals


06. avorite OVEREIGN EADER

Fda Khal
maa sabina
bi sandrs

God bless their heart + soul

04. AVORITE estival

Buing man

05. f ou could at only one ood or he est of our life...

poké´with extra seaweed salad 

07. he one eron ou ould ove o eet, ead or live...

mother mary

08. hree ook hat evolutionized our life

th untthrd su / Michal sing
Th Almist / paul Clh
Th pw f myth / jsph campb

09. omeday  ant o...

b a mm t halthy twins

infusing the power of quantum expansion and modern mysticism, alongside my passion for branding, soulful systems, and mystical marketing, I’ve developed a soulistic approach unlike anything out there.

through this medicine, Sovereign Leaders from around the world have discovered what it takes to activate a brand as unique as them, while living in True alignment with their mission, purpose, journey, and passions.

the medicine behind my work


eady o o here ogether?

in this moment...

I'm most likely groovin' to techno, middle eastern house music, or 90s R&B as I hone in on Divine Guidance on how to catalyze my soul squad to activate their legacy and be part of the soul-ution.

wanna hear what I'm groovin' to? tune in to my Spotify Playlists!

et he usic peak

Join he overeign ociety

Subscb t u nwsltt

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hat OTHER opic re ou ot xcited o earn ORE bout?
And just like that, you're part of the Sovereign Society! Check your email to get the goods to help you unleash your medicine!