NATALIA BENON     business strategist

NATALIA BENON       business strategist

abrina is such a soulful force of liht on this planet. I love her no-nonsense & empowerin way of approachin spirituality matched with effervescent vulnerability. This Gemini Goddess ot me onto my two biest revenue enerators. Just, love her.

Before I started working with Sabrina, I knew she was an authentic AF mentor. During our time together, I saw how true that was. Sabrina was one of the only people who would consistently check-in on me about all things life + business. She helped me integrate my spiritual practice into my business with a no-BS approach. This allowed me to take more time off AND earn more money, simultaneously.

Sabrina is the only coach I've had who TRULY held me accountable. She gives a f*ck about her students and is not looking at you as another paycheck. If she sees potential in you, she will dive in & yank it out of you if she has to. Believe me, she is someone you NEED in your corner. I felt so abundant with opportunities + new directions during our time together. Believe me, Sabrina gives a f*ck about you + your business + your spiritual well-being. If you are on the fence, invest in working with Sabrina. I promise you won't regret it.

NINA MARIANO, esq.     online business lawyer

When I found Sabrina online (I found her on YouTube discussing traumatic coaching investment experiences, which is what held me back from hiring people), I had been wanting to pivot my brand for almost 2 years (I've had my online business for almost 6 years) but hadn't found the right mentor. I was looking for 1:1 support to really hone in on my messaging from someone who understood the back-end systems of online business AND branding/marketing, as well as someone that resonated at a soul level with similar values that spoke my language. So Sabrina was like an online business angel!

I also wanted to upgrade some of my systems to scale up, which is why I chose to invest in a 3-month container. I had some MAJOR shifts over our time together. I successfully created and launched (from inception to launch) a new 5-week immersion during the 3 months and got 7 ladies who signed up - ALL of them paid in full.

I feel SO much more empowered like I actually SAW my true self during the time together. I'm finally aligning with the energy I've felt I'm meant to express for a long time - I just needed some clarity on what I wanted to discuss post-pivot and to LEAP, honestly. And having done it, I showed myself it's all possible and this is only the beginning.
I also relocated during the 3 months - MONUMENTAL SHIFT that I didn't see coming when we started and it's been amazing already at the new apartment. It was something I'd wanted to do for 5+ years and I know it happened during the 3 months because I had such an energetic shift after we connected.

Now I'm 100% self-reliant as an entrepreneur. It's always been my dream to have an online business where I could do what I feel passionate about, work remotely and live a more relaxed lifestyle -and I did it (I worked in New York City in luxury hospitality for almost 10 years and left because I was totally burned out and unfulfilled). Now I'm back in Miami Beach, living on my own terms and being of service in the world in a way that fills my heart with joy. I feel energized to continue evolving and am very grateful to Sabrina for her knowledge, her loving energy, her attention to detail (she curated a gorgeous virtual experience from start to finish), and her devotion with full integrity.

The entire 1:1 experience was fantastic and I'd HIGHLY recommend if you're ready to seriously dive in, show up for yourself and commit to the change.

LION LEARD      intuitive business mentor

watch testimonial

When I first enrolled and invested, I was playing small. Quite honestly, I was showing up in a bit of a victim mentality, around my business, what I thought I was possible of achieving, and the lack mentality I had, feeling like things were happening TO me and not working out for me.  I felt overwhelmed by my desire to have a thriving business and was constantly falling into a state of exhaustion because of the energy leaks in my mindset, in my business foundations, and the false belief that serving people through this work would sacrifice my well-being (mostly because this was the path I had walked in the past). That became clear in the first week of working together. This was a huge shift because it became so clear to me that the exhaustion I was feeling was not a prerequisite of business but rather a result of me not being in my power and my systems/business set up was reflecting that.

We really went DEEP together in our time, uncovering my limiting beliefs and mindset loops keeping me stuck - the whole time I felt like I was a butterfly in a cocoon, transforming. And although it was often uncomfortable, I seriously value going deep and having someone to facilitate that who isn't scared to go there, and that is exactly what happened by the end. We had completely uplevelled my mindset, I was feeling excited and aligned in my business again and had also completely elevated my brand.

My biggest takeaway has been understanding that there were cracks in my foundation and really being supported in fixing those (I was so overwhelmed at the beginning, even though I could feel it, I couldn't put it into words and I didn't know where to start). And the second was really the Brand Uplevel. Even though the foundations were much deeper than solely the branding, the branding was like the smoothing over of the plaster wall and putting beautiful colours on it. It feel so good in my business and shifted my energy and the way I feel about my business at such a deep level. It came back to being so much more intentional with what I was doing and why I was doing it and of course that energy is projected outward as well.

 In the end I absolutely loved it and it clearly had such a positive impact on me and my business, but at points when I felt frustrated with my strategy I thought I should have asked more questions at the beginning about what we would be covering and diving into. Like I said, super grateful for how it panned out but I think I just wanted help at the beginning that I was sort of in a "survival fix it mode" and maybe a clear run down on things would have been helpful.

 My foundations of my business feel SO clear and I love the energy my brand exudes that really enables me to stand out.  I most definitely feel that I achieved what I set out to - It's interesting because I think it happened in a different way to what my vision initially was, but isn't that always how that happens? I see myself having the energy, capacity and believe in myself to take my business to the next level instead of shying away from it. I see myself as being capable to handling it all with ease and really enjoying the process. I see myself being able to take on dream 1-1 clients and studio members because I am actually CLEAR on what I am offering and that language/messaging around the brand in terms of the outcomes and result and transformation they receive is so clear and feels so freaking aligned. I have a completely new perspective, revamped energy and am now seeing things working and flowing in my business again.


OLIVIA HEINE      nlp & sacred success coach

I wanted to work with Sabrina to dive deeper into my inner-self. To liberate a part of me that wanted to be expressed and to use that to clarify my mission and direction I wanted to take with my business. The clarity & confidence has brought so many positive results and pushed me to take action in my life in ways I couldn't have done without Sabrina's guidance.

Sabrina has helped me to heal parts of myself I didn't even think needed looking at! I was able to deal with past traumas and experiences from my past were affecting me in this present moment. Her trainings helped me identify the conditioning I went through as child and how my beliefs were shaped from those experiences (people pleasing, overachieving, overanalyzing). I saw how they were holding my back in my business and my personal life. Shifting the stories and healing those parts of myself has helped me move forward in a whole new way with my life and business. 

Sabrina made it feel safe for me to listen and answer to the callings of my inner-self. She helped me build confidence in myself to start new offerings around being in community with other women by hosting a book club and a vision circle. New ways of showing up for my community through my business, in a way that feels aligned. 

Sabrina was able to truly hold space with me in the hard moments. I'm so grateful that I had her to lean on and that she was there to guide me, even as she was going through her medical journey. She showed up with so much with love and compassion, even when I needed more time to work through things. I appreciated that she didn't push me too much, but just enough to go beyond my comfort zone.

During this experience with Sabrina, I was able to get out of my comfort zone and expand my business offerings in ways I never did before... I launched a live email workshop (most sign ups to date). I hosted a virtual circle (completely new offering out of my niche), started a new book club, and participated as an affiliate to a launch.

I now feel more comfortable publicly sharing truth and my opinions that I usually kept hidden due to fear of being judged. I'm more capable of expressing myself authentically, sharing my story, my medicine and trusting that it will resonate with the right people.  

I have more clarity about how I wanna help moms in business: by shifting the narrative on what success can look like. 

I found new meaning behind my son's hearing loss and planted the seed for a project that I hope to birth one day to help other families going through the same journey.

I now know my role in this lifetime is around bring a teacher, guide, narrative shifter. I wanna build my business in a way that positions me in those roles so I can impact and help more women entrepreneurs who are struggling with the weight of everything on their shoulders. I want to come up with resources and new offerings to help them on that journey (even if it's outside of email marketing).

KRI DARIA     email marketing strategist

dicover OVEREIGN CEO

LEX CRAIGHEAD      co-founder of journeymen

In the midst of a spiritual crossroads, Sabrina helped me ground and recenter myself, aligning with my core values and unique gifts, allowing me to move towards my North Star with confidence and faith.

I have been following Sabrina for years as a loyal listener to the Sovereign Society Podcast. Her personality, story, and messages helped me so much on my awakening journey, and really spoke to my heart and soul. I left corporate with some savings in my pocket and a big dream of helping women step out of anxiety and insecurity and step into who they are.

Business Alchemy came to me at the most synchronistic time. I was ready to really take my business to the next level and step out of the spiritual closet. Working with Sabrina in this program gave me all the tools, love, and support I needed to create a THRIVING business. I am certain I will look back on this program as making a huge impact in my career.

orking ith abrina a ruly life changing for my buine.

rebecca wiseman

This program is not like any other I have seen or been through. I love and appreciate the emphasis on doing the soul work first to strike an inner balance that is unwavering.

I feel like I have such a strong foundation within myself having taken time to integrate and embody my own core values. I feel safe now to build my business from a space where I can play creatively from my heart. I have felt so supported on this journey, like I have everything I need to THRIVE no matter what.

've gained uch n nnate confidence ow hat 'm doing verything ight.

kaylen Jolly

Business Alchemy is like no other program out there. I love the fact that Sabrina takes you on a self-realization journey and gets to the root of the deeper issues. No bypassing in this program! For so long I allowed myself to play small but as I worked through the program I was able to unblock a lot of my limiting beliefs.

Not only does she deal with the inner work, but the program also provided anything and everything on how to get your business off the ground. She gives a step by step guide for anyone just starting or has been in business for years. This program has transformed the way I look at myself and business. Thank you, ​Sabrina!

 don't ven eed o ake nother rogram.

onica skandar

dicover BUINE LCHEMY


working with Sabrina was truly life changing for my business.

I have been following Sabrina for years as a loyal listener to the Sovereign Society Podcast. Her personality, story, and messages helped me so much on my awakening journey, and really spoke to my heart and soul. I left corporate with some savings in my pocket and a big dream of helping women step out of anxiety and insecurity and step into who they are.

Business Alchemy came to me at the most synchronistic time. I was ready to really take my business to the next level and step out of the spiritual closet. Working with Sabrina in this program gave me all the tools, love, and support I needed to create a THRIVING business. I am certain I will look back on this program as making a huge impact in my career.

rebecca wiseman

I've gained such an innate confidence now that I'm doing everything right.

This program is not like any other I have seen or been through. I love and appreciate the emphasis on doing the soul work first to strike an inner balance that is unwavering.

I feel like I have such a strong foundation within myself having taken time to integrate and embody my own core values. I feel safe now to build my business from a space where I can play creatively from my heart. I have felt so supported on this journey, like I have everything I need to THRIVE no matter what.

kaylen Jolly

I don't even need to take another program.

Business Alchemy is like no other program out there. I love the fact that Sabrina takes you on a self-realization journey and gets to the root of the deeper issues. No bypassing in this program! For so long I allowed myself to play small but as I worked through the program I was able to unblock a lot of my limiting beliefs.

Not only does she deal with the inner work, but the program also provided anything and everything on how to get your business off the ground. She gives a step by step guide for anyone just starting or has been in business for years. This program has transformed the way I look at myself and business. Thank you, ​Sabrina!

monica iskandar



word on the
streets about

Sabrina is incredibly practical and hands on. My intention working with her was to level up my website and user experience online to match the level of my service and we absolutely achieved that. I'm extremely confident about getting guests for my

Sabrina is incredibly practical and hands on. My intention working with her was to level up my website and user experience online to match the level of my service and we absolutely achieved that.

I'm extremely confident about getting guests for my podcast and giving them an easy and inspiring experience booking a time now. I feel a higher level of integrity as a media coach knowing my website is amazing too. I have no doubt that my cup being full like this will ripple out into every conversation I have with prospective clients and podcast guests.

podcast and giving them an easy and inspiring experience booking a time now. I feel a higher level of integrity as a media coach, knowing my website is amazing too. I have no doubt that my cup being full like this will ripple out into every conversation I have with prospective clients and podcast guests.

Sabrina infused my website with the kind of heart and soul that brought my brand to life.

Quddus Philippe      media coach

I started this course without a brand or even a business idea - all I had was a hobby and a desire to be of service. When I finished this course, I had created my very own ideal blueprint for the brand and business I am creating + bringing to life. AYS is not just a game-changer for established Soulpreneurs, it's also for the person looking to create a soulful business.

The way Sabrina breaks down the information and the way she teaches it to you, you really feel supported. Through each of the workbooks, I could feel her energy pushing me to open up more, to dig deeper - this really helped my creative juices flow! There is NOTHING out there like this program - trust me, I looked before signing up.

The shift began the moment I said YES to this program. For a long time, there had been these ideas roaming around in my awareness regarding what I wanted to put out into the world and by saying YES to AYS, I was able to give my ideas a home - but better yet, I gave those ideas - rooms and assigned spaces for them to evolve. The structures and foundations covered in this course are way more valuable than what I learned going to school for business. Trust me when I say, you will regret NOT signing up for the next round ;)

Zazil-Ha Pereira

@moonshadowsisters .:. Founder + Co-Facilitator of Moon Shadow Sisters

 watch her testimonial

By first dismantling the blocks I had around lack, I became in alignment with the frequency of fully receiving the medicine of these systems. I’ve began implementing forms for people to schedule sessions while I’m out living my life rather than spending literal hours tied to my emails or DM’s. I have had more organic bookings for my sessions since getting more organized with creating automations and templates that are soulfully but also aesthetically aligned with who I am. This course has completely shifted my experience of being drained from manually completing all my tasks for clients to simply laying the foundations out ahead of time so I can bring in clients with clarity on both ends.

This program has been wildly different than any other spiritual business coaching experience I’ve been a part of. She offers tangible tools and in-depth guidance on how to successfully apply these systems into your workflow. What happens in most other programs I’ve invested in is they provide well conveyed content of mental/emotional body blocks but they don’t provide the guidance to anchor these spiritual concepts into reality-It’s like you’re left guessing whether or not it may just one day click for you like it did for them. Sabrina completely dismantles the false light that is too widespread in spiritual business coaching industry and has provided content that is actually sustainable because of the foundations she’s built this offering on.

Kat ho

@UnearthedOfferings || Embodied Creatrix

Taking Alchemize your Systems was exactly what I was looking for. I had wanted to learn more about automation in my business. I received so many valuable tools and information in this course.

I was able to get clear with how I want to show up and share my message with my community.

The tools in the course are perfect to implement into the behind the scenes of my business. 

As my business continues to grow these systems and tools, I put into place now we help me stay organized, cut down my tasks and provide me more time away from my computer and instead to be with clients.

If you are looking to build a solid foundation for your business both internally and through automation this is the course for you. Thank you, Sabrina!

Stephanie Vorpahl

@stephanievorpahl || Business & Empowerment Mentor

 watch her testimonial

Sabrina is a beautiful soul that has created a masterpiece offering here for any soulpreneur starting their business or rebranding their business. She asks ALL the right questions for you to uncover all you need to run your business and takes you through an entire process of planning options, content options and how to structure your business with supportive systems. Its seriously everything you could ever want to get your business going. No-one talks about systems! Not one coach I've worked with in the past has talked about systems, such a huge piece thats been completely missing. This is potent magic that will change your life and brand!

This is an amazing place for anyone who is setting up their business or re-branding their business to start 100%. Not only does it cover all the personal stuff we need to work through but also covers everything you need to know about your business, it is SO thorough. I can't speak more highly about it. 

Haley Molyneux

@iamhaleysmiles || Integration Priestess

I am so glad that I decided to invest into my business my taking this course. This course and experience has been unlike any other investment in business courses or mentorships that I’ve had before. This is the REAL DEAL, this is the sh*t that we all need to hear and implement to have that solid foundation for our brand and our business! I have stepped into my power more than ever, let go of energetic ties to any ideas, concepts, people, things etc that aren’t serving me. I’ve really found out how I want to be heard and the way I am bringing light to my work in this world. It has helped me uplevel in many different dimensions. 

It is unlike any other experience and it is so next level that you will feel yourself breaking through your own limitations, stepping more into your power in order to show up as the badass CEO you are. This is a course for anyone who is serious about creating massive impact and having a balanced business foundation and structures / systems in place to set you up for success. I’m so glad Sabrina decided to make this course because most business mentors focus on marketing, but this is what is truly important to have in place before we focus on these other aspects of growing our business! 10/10 recommend this and I’m grateful for the experience!

Tam Hernandez

@holisticmammahood || Holistic Health Coach + Energy Healer

 watch her testimonial

I had been in the market for finding a coach to help me to push through to the launch of my online course. I was also looking for a way to do all the technical things in an automatic way because I was wasting way too much time re-inventing the wheel every time and I want my course to be automatic. Alchemize Your Systems was exactly what I had been looking for, and it far exceeded my expectations.

 Sabrina shares invaluable information to build your brand, course, and essentially - your little empire, from the ground up. The ideas and details in this course are beyond helpful in strategizing and making your business reflect you and your sacred why, and shows you how to implement systems so that things can be running for you in the background. My biggest take-away was having tools to allow me to be capable of launching a course with the details all connected to my purpose and with systems in place where I don't have to be bogged down and tied to my computer all the time. The modules are very clear and beautifully designed, I highly recommend Alchemize Your Systems to anyone who is building a brand and/or creating a course. 

missy cross


 watch her testimonial

discover Alchemize Your SYstems


Sabrina was hugely impactful with helping our brand reach a larger audience in the conscious entrepreneurial / festival scene. The combination of her vision and passion helped take our project to new heights!

sanjay Parekh      music producer

discover thrive

READY TO lead from YOUR sovereign embodiment?

THRIVE created a sacred space for me to uncover my truth, to meet my worth, to claim my power and to accept myself fully as the beautiful being of energy that I am.

I learned what it truly means to love myself, to accept myself and to open my heart to all of life's experiences. We have all experienced pain, darkness, trauma and grief. The shift in my perspective of those shadows within my Being is the greatest gift offered to me through THRIVE.

I learned what it means to truly understand that life is happening for me and not to me. That my experiences are my own and how I choose to share those experiences with the Collective is the medicine I am here to offer.

I believe that as souls, we create contracts prior to taking on a human body. We choose the experiences, families, cultures, etc. that we are born into so that we may fulfill the contracts we made as souls. THRIVE has offered me the roadmap to coming home to my soul's contract.

The shift in my perspective is the greatest gift offered to me.

blaire Zika

Sabrina's THRIVE program is like nothing else I've ever experienced with online coaching or in person. THRIVE gave me immediate tools to work with that maintain me every day as well as a great community to be part of. The weekly content was spot on for where I was and what I was able to receive at the time.

Sabrina doesn't hand hold, but rather holds me accountable in such a joyful way, it has empowered me and allowed so much needed inspiration in on my personal life as well as my business. Treating my whole self is having positive effects on my spiritual life as well as my family life and this is trickling down into my work.

I've broken through years of frustration in this program and I feel like I've been given the tools, that as I keep using, are helping me propel into the next level in all aspects of my life. I would recommend this program 100% to anyone ready to up level in any or all areas of their life.

I've broken through years of frustration.

Kylie Cole

When I first heard Sabrina talk about THRIVE on Instagram, I knew it was a program I wanted to be a part of, partially because I could see and feel Sabrina’s fire and passion. I have worked with other coaches in terms of doing the inner healing work; however, between Sabrina’s words of wisdom and the worksheets, you are asked to go to places within you that are so deep and painful (in a good way) so you can allow yourself to shift. Her worksheets specifically are so specific, you really get to know yourself on an intimate level like you never have before. Before the program I honestly felt confused and indecisive. I knew I had a bigger mission but it felt so out of reach.

During and after this program I now feel so much love and closeness to myself and to my soul’s desires. The Kundalini Yoga is a great addition and you feel incredible and uplifted after the classes and shorter video practices. The group calls were so great in that it felt like we were all a soul family helping and holding space for one another. Sabrina is so dedicated to helping you really hone in on what you are here to do and how you can serve. She doesn’t sugar coat anything which I love!! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this program and for holding space for all of us!

I now feel so much love and closeness to myself and to my soul’s desires.

Catherine Caputo

discover thrive


discover thrive


When I first heard Sabrina talk about THRIVE on Instagram, I knew it was a program I wanted to be a part of, partially because I could see and feel Sabrina’s fire and passion. I have worked with other coaches in terms of doing the inner healing work; however, between Sabrina’s words of wisdom and the worksheets, you are asked to go to places within you that are so deep and painful (in a good way) so you can allow yourself to shift. Her worksheets specifically are so specific, you really get to know yourself on an intimate level like you never have before. Before the program I honestly felt confused and indecisive. I knew I had a bigger mission but it felt so out of reach.

During and after this program I now feel so much love and closeness to myself and to my soul’s desires. The Kundalini Yoga is a great addition and you feel incredible and uplifted after the classes and shorter video practices. The group calls were so great in that it felt like we were all a soul family helping and holding space for one another. Sabrina is so dedicated to helping you really hone in on what you are here to do and how you can serve. She doesn’t sugar coat anything which I love!! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this program and for holding space for all of us!

I now feel so much love + closeness to myself + my soul's desires.

Catherine Caputo

Sabrina's THRIVE program is like nothing else I've ever experienced with online coaching or in person. THRIVE gave me immediate tools to work with that maintain me every day as well as a great community to be part of. The weekly content was spot on for where I was and what I was able to receive at the time.

Sabrina doesn't hand hold, but rather holds me accountable in such a joyful way, it has empowered me and allowed so much needed inspiration in on my personal life as well as my business. Treating my whole self is having positive effects on my spiritual life as well as my family life and this is trickling down into my work.

I've broken through years of frustration in this program and I feel like I've been given the tools, that as I keep using, are helping me propel into the next level in all aspects of my life. I would recommend this program 100% to anyone ready to up level in any or all areas of their life.

I've broken through
years of frustration.

Kylie Cole

THRIVE created a sacred space for me to uncover my truth, to meet my worth, to claim my power and to accept myself fully as the beautiful being of energy that I am.

I learned what it truly means to love myself, to accept myself and to open my heart to all of life's experiences. We have all experienced pain, darkness, trauma and grief. The shift in my perspective of those shadows within my Being is the greatest gift offered to me through THRIVE.

I learned what it means to truly understand that life is happening for me and not to me. That my experiences are my own and how I choose to share those experiences with the Collective is the medicine I am here to offer.

I believe that as souls, we create contracts prior to taking on a human body. We choose the experiences, families, cultures, etc. that we are born into so that we may fulfill the contracts we made as souls. THRIVE has offered me the roadmap to coming home to my soul's contract.

the shift in my perspective is the greatest gift offered to me.

blaire Zika

Sabrina Riccio is a true BRAND PRIESTESS. Wow! Soul fully honored to have met and received the medicine that is Sabrina's sacred gift. She is such a clear reflection and vessel of divine creativity and sacred systems. She guided us skillfully and boldly into territory we had seen glimpses of, but not fully conceived, into the the depth that is the conjunction of our souls and the soul essence of our business.

The speed and clarity with which Sabrina works is phenomenal-beyond-belief and yet, so accurate and believable. It is pure Truth, divine guidance received and enacted. With Sabrina's guidance we removed roadblocks to true aligned Soulful business and abundance. Deep love and gratitude for Sabrina, for this magic, this medicine. Our very first session with Sabrina catapulted us into new dimensions of existence, clarity, vigor, and divine alignment. Forever blessed.

Ariel and EJ O'Mara

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