I’ve shared time and time again that April was always a challenging month for me. It’s a month of Shadow, death, and loved ones who are no longer on this Earth plane. As a Sovereign Goddess, I make the rules and it’s up to me to choose to align to my destiny and the highest benevolence of truth, love and compassion. I decided that from this moment forward, I’m rewriting the story around April. Now, I honor this time to connect with my ancestors to help guide me through my soulistic journey.
One of my favorite Shadow Work teachers has always been the late Debbie Ford. Throughout her life, Debbie Ford shared her story and journey with addiction and what it meant to be a light-chaser as she worked on transmuting the pain she carried throughout her lifetime. Since her passing back in 2013, her work continues to live on through The Ford Institute whose mission is to empower and awaken individuals and organizations throughout the world by offering unique training and educational programs that transform lives, and of course through her story, words, interviews and books. Even to this day, I find myself watching her episode with Oprah on Super Soul Sunday when I need some guidance to honor my shadows and to slay my own demons and dragons.
Debbie’s sister, Arielle Ford, is also an author who has dedicated her work with the soulmate journey. During my journey of Self Discovery, I read many books from both Arielle and Debbie to help support me through my journey. Having the opportunity to connect with Arielle to talk about her sister Debbie, the process of releasing and publishing Debbie’s latest book Your Holiness, and to even chat a little about the Divine Masculine in today’s world inspired me to start bringing Cosmic Dudes on upcoming episodes of the Sovereign Goddess Podcast.
Talking to Arielle about communicating with loved ones on the other side was truly a treat. While her sister is no longer with us, Arielle shares that her connection with her is stronger than ever before. I believe our loved ones who have passed are our best guides because they know us. As they transition over, they don’t have to worry about the mundane parts of the human experience, nor are there any limiting beliefs on the other side… just love. We are embarking on this powerful shift in human consciousness, so as we continue to anchor in the Golden Era, having assistance from our guides and loved ones can help support us during this ascension process with more ease and grace.
“Sometimes it’s just better to surrender to the magic and the grace to this thing called life.”

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In this episode, Arielle and I talked about…
☾ Her family’s Story with their reading with Spiritual Medium James Van Praagh to unleash her sister’s Debbie’s book, Your Holiness
☾ Surrendering to the process of death and dying
☾ Learning about love and forgiveness from the other side
☾ The Rise of the Divine Masculine to face their shadows and embrace their masculinity while remaining respectful to the boundaries that women need.
☾ Living through the act of faith
☾ How to connect with your loved ones on the other side
☾ Navigating through addiction, especially in today’s technological age
☾ Infusing love even when it’s hard to those who trigger us
☾ connecting with loved ones on the other side and radiating your holiness
☾ Embracing all parts of the Shadow, even when it’s tough
About Arielle Ford
Arielle Ford is a leading personality in the personal growth and contemporary spirituality movement. For the past 30 years she has been living, teaching, and promoting consciousness through all forms of media. She is a celebrated love and relationship expert, speaker, and is the co-creator and co-host of Evolving Wisdom’s Art of Love series.
Arielle is a gifted writer and the author of ten books including her the international bestseller, THE SOULMATE SECRET: Manifest The Love of Your Life With The Law of Attraction (published in 21 languages and 40 countries).
She has also written many groundbreaking books including Turn Your Mate Into Your Soulmate: A Practical Guide To Happily Ever After and Wabi Sabi Love: The Ancient Art of Finding Perfect Love in Imperfect Relationships. Her latest book is Inkspirations, Love By Design: Coloring the Divine Path to Manifest Your Soulmate, the world’s first transformational coloring book.
A long-time “Student of Love,” Arielle regularly presents workshops around the world including England, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Kuwait, Canada, Romania, Ireland, Austria and Bali as well as personal growth centers such as Omega Institute, Kripalu, The Chopra Center, Esalen, Alternatives in London, AwesomenessFest, Celebrate Your Life, and many other prestigious venues. She has appeared on many national TV and radio shows including Today Show, CNN, Fox News and more.
Discover more from Arielle Ford + Debbie Ford
WEBSITE | www.ArielleFord.com
THE FORD INSTITUTE | www.thefordinstitute.com
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