Honoring the Cycles of You with Sarah Jenks

We all go through our cycles and phases like the moon. When we allow ourselves to understand our phases, moods, and emotions, we are able to navigate through this time and space with more ease and grace. Sarah Jenks is here to empower women to be whole, to honor all of who they are and to go out there and authentically thrive. Sometimes our heart guides us to distant places and the synchronicities simply align where we must continue to get out of our own way and trust the process.

Having just brought to the world baby #3, Sarah is here to empower Mammas and women alike to go out into the world and honor ourselves first and foremost so that we can go out into the world and SERVE. This is about reprogramming the truth about how important it is for you to fill up your cup. If you’re out in the work and constantly on work mode, this is your invitation to implement more fun and go outside and connect with something bigger than you. In those moments of stillness, you’ll discover your true purpose and let’s face it… the world is ready for your medicine, babe.

055 | Honoring the Cycles of You / Sarah Jenks | Sovereign Society Podcast with Sabrina Riccio055 | Honoring the Cycles of You / Sarah Jenks | Sovereign Society Podcast with Sabrina Riccio

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In this episode, Sarah and I talked about….

☾ How to cultivate the balance between motherhood, self care, business, and relationships

☾ Honoring the cycles of nature and how they impact you

☾ What it means to take risks when it comes to following your dreams

☾ Embracing what it means to be a Priestess as you build your soulful business + the life of your dreams

☾ What it means to discover your sacred purpose and what it means to come out of the spiritual closet in your business

☾ Prioritizing FUN!

☾ Syncing your cycle with the moon by setting boundaries

☾ Understanding the power of your worth



Sarah Jenks is the founder of Whole Woman, a monthly online membership for women seeking the answers to “Who am I? And why am I here?” and Live More Weigh Less™, the most popular online emotional eating program. Between her online programs and as proprietress of Hawthorn Farm, her 23-acre retreat center in Medfield, Massachusetts, Sarah holds sacred space to empower women and support them in finding their magic and rediscovering their most authentic selves. Since 2009, Sarah’s community of women seeking a fuller, more meaningful life has grown to almost 100K members.


FACEBOOK | https://www.facebook.com/sejenks

INSTAGRAM | https://www.instagram.com/sarahjenks/

WEBSITE | https://www.sarahjenks.com

WHOLE WOMAN | https://wholewoman.me/join/

EMBARK ON SARAH’S MAGIC WEEK | http://bit.ly/sjmagicweek


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INSTAGRAM | www.instagram.com/sabrinariccio | www.instagram.com/sovereignsocietypodcast

WEBSITE | www.sabrinariccio.com

Join the Sovereign Society Facebook Group here | bit.ly/SovereignSociety

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Sovereign Society Podcast

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sabrina here!

Let's just say it, you came here to revolutionize the world with your medicine. Thanks to the blessing of social media and modern technology, you have the opportunity to build an online empire that not only allows you to be part of the soul-ution, but there are also resources to help you create smarter, not harder so that you can truly make the most of your life. Since your business is an extension of you, it's up to YOU to define what success means to you... I mean, that's the definition of sovereignty, right?

My passion for social justice, modern medicine, sovereign embodiment, and soulful systems has fueled and inspired me to help Sovereign Leaders, like you, in activating their legacy and impacting their communities all while utilizing systems + strategies for sustainable success.

What I know for sure is that you have what it takes to design the business and life you not only desire most, but that's also in alignment with You. Best believe that if you're ready to nourish your online empire as you continue to answer the call to unleash your medicine, you found yourself at the right place.

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