When you have an online business, it can be easy to get caught up with all the work that needs to get done that will help reach your business goals, but with that may come a dismissal of your personal needs and goals. Now more than ever, it is important to put yourself first- fill your own cup until it overflows before you fill anyone else’s.
Today, businesswoman and former client of Alchemize Your Systems, Ashli Pollard, joins the podcast to talk about how she has put herself first as a CEO to give her team the best leader possible, in turn giving her audience the best service possible. Join her and Sabrina to talk all about remaining conscious in your business and how to overcome personal battles that may affect your online business.
In this episode, we talk about…
◆ The rise of collaboration and true community in the world of business
◆ Honoring your Mental Health while running your online empire
◆ Prioritizing what fills your cup to keep yourself and your audience happy
◆ Making time for play and personal breaks into your life to have a successful business
◆ Creating an ethical business of integrity by personally overcoming traumas and challenges
◆ Enjoying the journey of business without a destination
◆ Truly learning from your mistakes and childhood trauma
…plus so much more
Subscribe to the Sovereign Society Podcast
Discover Ashli
WEBSITE | www.teamap.consulting
INSTAGRAM | http://www.instagram.com/teamapconsulting
LINKS | ME TIME Morning Kit :: https://haveamomentforyourself.com/

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