Intuition. Forever Your Favorite Super Power. As we anchor into our multi-dimensional potential, we are finding the truth that we are multi-sensory beings. Going forth in this Golden Era, our Intuitions are our guiding compasses as we navigate through this time and space. Doing the work and clearing out what no longer serves gifts you the opportunity to foster a deeper relationship with your third-eye and your intuition.
Upleveling to new heights, building a relationship with your intuition allows you to cultivate trust as you go forth and experience things you’ve never experienced before. More than ever is it crucial for us to cut through all the noise in an overstimulated world. Aligning to our heart’s desires takes not just a deep sense of trust, but also a deeper knowing that the Universe has our back and life is always happening for us, not to us.
Anja Chakra anchors the inner knowing and awareness to truly show up in the world to your fullest capacity. Working more and more with your intuition means listening to that gut instinct, trusting your spidey-senses and of course, taking action as to what best serves you. Let me tell you, your intuition will always lead you in the right direction. Fostering that beautiful relationship takes time and trust. It’s the voice that’s connected to our heart, our inner knowing. Intuition instills trust.
We’re never alone on this journey and it’s our intuition that allows us to connect to the voice of our soul. which is always looking out for our best interest. As you Stay Woke + embark on your spiritual journey of an authentic life, it’s important to go within because the Universe lives inside of you. Along your soulistic journey, you’ll find yourself being tested time and time again. It’s up to you how you react and which path you choose. Your intuition is always on your side.
Cultivating a relationship with this powerful force allows you to trample anything that may hinder you along the way. It’s up to you whether or not you listen to it. If you don’t, you learn through experience. And if you do, you begin to live the life far beyond your wildest dreams. Below, I’ve shared with you 5 of my favorite Kundalini Mantras to Radiate your Third Eye. Your spiritual eye will forever cut through the BS and will always have your best interest in mind.

Ong So Hung | Mantra to Embody Your Spiritual Power

Ong So Hung
Ong – The Creative Consciousness of the Universe
Sohung – I am that!
Chanting this mantra stimulates ond opens the heart chakra. It is a beautiful recognition that each of us is a part of the Creative Consciousness of the Universe. As you repeat this mantra, you begin to further enhance and reinforce its power. Energetically, you begin to come into alignment to the Creative Consciousness that allows your individual vibration to be elevated to this level of awareness and connection.
Wah Yantee | Mantra for Awakening the Intuition

Waa yantee kar yantee, jag dut patee,
aadak it waha, brahmaday trayshaa guroo, it wahay guroo
Great Macroself, Creative Self.
All that is creative through time, all that is the Great One.
Three aspects of God: Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh. That is Wahe Guru.
This mantra was given by Patanjali, a great Yogi. It is said that over two thousand years ago Patanjali was lecturing students on prophets who would come in the iron age, the age of Kaliyug. He prophesied Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s coming into the world and gave the “Wah Yantee” mantra which describes Wahe Guru. The “Wah Yantee” mantra also predicted the coming of the “Wahe Guru” mantra.
This mantra was given by Patanjali, a great Yogi. It is said that over two thousand years ago Patanjali was lecturing students on prophets who would come in the iron age, the age of Kaliyug. He prophesied Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s coming into the world and gave the “Wah Yantee” mantra which describes Wahe Guru. The “Wah Yantee” mantra also predicted the coming of the “Wahe Guru” mantra.
The “Wah Yantee” mantra is known for awakening the intuition. According to Yogi Bhajan the practice of this mantra is the culmination of hundreds of years of prayer.
Ek Ong Kaur Sat Gur Prasad | Mantra To Experience the Infinite

Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad, Sat Gur Prasad Ek Ong Kar
There is one Creator of all Creation. All is a blessing of the One Creator. This realization comes through Guru’s Grace.
Believed to be the most powerful mantra, Yogi Bhajan referred to this mantra as the “Eyes of Indra.” The body is a temple through which one experiences the Infinite–all knowledge and bliss flow through you. This mantra accelerates your thoughts into being. The energy within the mantra will help you transcend your negative thought into positive thought. A thought rides into your consciousness and is processed with “Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad,” and comes out pure with “Sat Gur Prasad Ek Ong Kar.”
**NOTE // Because of this mantra’s great power, YB recommended first chanting the Mul Mantra or Ad Guray Namay, Jugad Guray Namay, Sat Guray Namay, Siri Guru Devay Namay, to put you into a sacred container. Once chanted, keep your thoughts and words positive. This mantra is the ULTIMATE mantra for the Miracle Manifester, so be wise.
Sa Ta Na Ma | Mantra to Catalyze Change

Sa Ta Na Ma
Saa = Infinity, totality of the Cosmos
Taa = Life (birth of form from the Infinity)
Naa = death (or transformation)
Maa = Rebirth
Panj means five, and expresses the five primal sounds of the Universe. (SSS. MMM. TTT. NNN and AAA.) It is the atomic or Naad form of the mantra Sat Naam. It is used to increase intuition, balance the hemispheres of the brain and to create a destiny for someone when there was none. This mantra describes the continuous cycle of life and creation. This mantra is a great catalyst for change.
Laya Mantra | Mantra for Destiny

Ek Ong Kaar- (Uh)
Saa Taa Naa Maa-(Uh)
Siree Whaa-(Uh)
Hay Gu-Roo
There is one Creator of all Creation. All is a blessing of the One Creator. This realization comes through Guru’s Grace.
This extraordinary Laya Yoga chant brings the soul and destiny present. It suspends you above conflicts attracted by success and the activity of the Positive Mind. It lets your activity serve your purpose. It makes you creative and focused on your real priorities and helps you sacrifice what is needed to accomplish them.
The word Laya refers to suspension from the ordinary world. Laya Yoga fixes your attention and energy on your essence and higher consciousness without normal distractions and attachments having power over your reactive awareness. This mantra opens the secret book of Laya Yoga. It enables you to consciously remember and experience the link between you and the Creator. Practice the mantra for 40-120 days. It will etch into the subconscious the memory and experience of your true identity.
This mantra was guarded like a secret gem. It is the key to the inner doors of naad, the realm of creative sound. If you listen to the sound of the mantra and then concentrate into its subtle sounds, you will become absorbed into the unlimited domain of your higher Self. The mantra has a structure of 3-1/2 cycles in its spin.
Each UH sound lifts the diaphragm which commutes the energy of prana and apana across the heart area. That transformation is one cycle. The 3-1/2 cycle is the pulse rhythm of the kundalini itself. This is why the kundalini is often represented as coiled 3-1/2 times. As with all other genuine mantras, it is discovered by the seer who travels in the subtle realms of consciousness. It has been confirmed by countless practitioners who adaptd the discipline of the meditation. The inner sounds can be heard at different levels of subtlety.
The vibrations of naad have different octaves of creative impact. This mantra takes you to the most subtle realm of creativity. It awakens the kundalini force that energizes the whole Creation. It awakens your awareness and empowers the sense of the Subtle Body of the Aura.
The practice of the meditation gives intuition and the ability to heal. When you practice this kriya earnestly, be conscious and graceful with each word you speak. Do not listen to negative or coarse speech from others. Remember that the sins of the past are of the past, and that some of the greatest saints were sinners first. If you have the opportunity to learn and to practice this technology of elevation, you have earned it and you deserve it. So do not hesitate to use it and to strive for progress and expansion. Feel that the Infinite Will and yours act together. Strong actions combined with non-attachment make life a dance with much creativity and gratitude.
Let the Music Speak
If you know me, you know how much I love music. Check out a playlist I’ve compiled for you featuring some of my favorite renditions of the mantras listed above over on Spotify to Awaken Your Intuition.

This is wonderful information, Thank you!
Do you know what happened to spirit voyages mantrapedia?
It was a resource I used often, but I cant access it anymore?
– Laura
No clue! Haven’t used it in years, but happy this helped.