The Sacral Chakra. Tied to our sexual and creative force, the Sacral Chakra holds much of our creative power. Known in Sanskrit as Swadhisthana, this power center carries passion, enthusiasm, and creativity. Developing during the ages of 8-14, we find this chakra gaining momentum during our pubescent years. If you find yourself having had a traumatic experience during these years, dysfunctional functions of our sacral chakra can include depression, denial of one’s self, shame, guilt, embarrassment, fertility issues, candida, menstrual problems, and creative blocks.
Throughout my years, I’ve had to do deep sacral healing. I was sexually harassed and assaulted as a little girl by one of my teachers and was also abused by my uncle at a young age. This caused me to completely suppress my sexuality, my sense of worth, expression and left me feeling like the victim.
Over time, I’ve had to do the work to truly show up and heal the wounds of my past. That trauma took such a toll on my body, gaining excess weight to mirror my belief that I was unattractive or not good enough. Growing up in a rigid Catholic household was also challenging. Lots of guilt was placed on me during those developmental years that eventually would come crashing down on me during my Kundalini Awakening.
That experience forced me to heal the wounds of my past and to really come home into my being. Not to the expectation, my family had on me, but what reigned true to me. It was time for me to truly align to my highest self and to show up in the world, embodying my inner Shakti and rising up as the Sovereign Goddess I’ve always been. Reclaiming your power by loving yourself unconditionally is the best thing you can do for yourself. It allows you the opportunity to show up in the world as your most authentic, rad self.
Allow your Creativity to Flow
Like water, our creativity needs to flow and since this chakra is so connected to Shakti, our feminine essence, it’s important to make time for self-care, self-expression, artistic expression, sexual desire, and passion. As I write this blog post, one of the mantras I share below, Adi Shakti, came through on my Spotify. Go figure, right?
We are living in a time where the Divine Feminine is making a comeback. This time around, she recognizes that there cannot be a separation between the Divine Feminine + the Divine Masculine since both are required to be able to anchor in a new paradigm or what we like to call Heaven on Earth. Ruled by the Yin energy, we can work with our Sacral Chakra with the affirmation “I am radiant, beautiful + strong and enjoy a healthy, passionate life!”
As we go forth and continue to radiate our truth and our light out into the world, it’s important for us to embody our sensual and creative selves. Passion and purpose go hand in hand. This is our time to truly rise up and show up in the world fully. The things that light you up and make you who you are NEEDED in the world, more than ever before. Work with these mantras below to help you enrich and strengthen your sacral chakra. Take time for a dance party. Connect to your inner Venus, the Goddess of Love, and shower yourself with the love you deserve. Because let’s face it, the inner creates the outer. If you cannot love yourself, how do you expect to receive the love that’s coming your way?! Open yourself to the beauty life has to offer. Embody your radiance. Life is always on your side. Take the time to experience the joy by cultivating that inner joy within.

Har Haray Hari Wahe Guru | Mantra of Bliss

Complete Mantra::
Har Haray Hari Wahe Guru
All aspects of the Creator are Bliss
About this Mantra::
This mantra expresses the three qualities of the word Har -seed, flow, completion, Bliss! Shakti/Bhakti mantra that uses the primal force of creativity to rid one of the obnoxious situations in life and can bring you through any block and opens up your own creative energy.
Adi Shakti | Mantra of the Divine Mother

Complete Mantra::
Adi Shakti, Adi Shakti, Adi Shakti, Namo Namo Sarab Shakti, Sarab Shakti, Sarab Shakti, Namo Namo Pritham Bhagvati, Pritham Bhagvati, Pritham Bhagvati, Namo Namo Kundalini Mata Shakti, Mata Shakti, Namo Namo
I bow to (or call on) the primal power. I bow to (or call on) the all-encompassing power and energy. I bow to (or call on) that through which God creates. I bow to (or call on) the creative power of the Kundalini, the Divine Mother Power.
About this Mantra::
The Adi Shakti Mantra tunes one into the frequency of the Divine Mother, and to the primal protective, generating energy. It is said that chanting it eliminates fears and fulfills desires.
Sat Narayan Wahe Guru | Mantra for Inner Peace

Complete Mantra::
Sat Narayan Wahe Guru Hari Narayan Sat Nam
Sat Narayan is True Sustainer, Wahe Guru is indescribable Wisdom, Hari Narayan is creative sustenance Sat Nam is True Identity.
About this Mantra::
This mantra is chanted to create inner peace so one can project outer peace, happiness, and good fortune. Narayan is the aspect of Infinity that relates to the water element. This mantra helps you “go with the flow” and takes you beyond the world to the experience of Infinity.

Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad | Mantra to Experience the Infinite

Complete Mantra::
Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad, Sat Gur Prasad Ek Ong Kar
There is one Creator of all Creation. All is a blessing of the One Creator. This realization comes through Guru’s Grace.
About this Mantra::
The mantra is believed to be the most powerful mantra. Yogi Bhajan referred to this mantra as the “Eyes of Indra”, saying that the body is a temple through which one experiences the Infinite–all knowledge and bliss flow through you.
Because of the mantra’s great power, Yogi Bhajan recommended first chanting either the Mul Mantra or Ad Guray Namay, Jugad Guray Namay, Sat Guray Namay, Siri Guru Devay Namay, to put you into a sacred space. It must be chanted in a sacred way. After chanting it, it is wise to keep your thoughts and words positive, as you will be in a state of manifestation. The mantra takes thought and reverses it to come out positive. A thought rides into your consciousness to be processed with “Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad,” and comes out pure with, “Sat Gur Prasad Ek Ong Kar.”
Eka Mai | Mantra to Develop Saintly Wisdom

Complete Mantra::
Eka maa-ee jugat vi-aa-ee tin chaylay parvaan.
Ik sansaaree ik bhandaaree ik laa-ay deebaan.
Jiv tis bhaavai tivai chalaavai jiv hovai furmaan.
Oh vaykhai onaa nadar na aavai bahutaa ayhu vidaan.
Aadays tisai aadays.
Aad aneel anaad anaahat jug jug ayko vays.
The One Divine Mother conceived and gave birth to the three deities.
One, the Creator of the World; One, the Sustainer; and One, the Destroyer.
He makes things happen according to the Pleasure of His Will. Such is His Celestial Order.
He watches over all, but none see Him. How wonderful this is!
I bow to Him, I humbly bow.
The Primal One, the Pure Light, without beginning, without end. Throughout all the ages, He is One and the Same.
About this Mantra::
As we continue to break free from the conditioning of the patriarchal society, we find ourselves cutting through the limitations that have been tried to be placed on us. This mantra offers the blessing to cut through the scarcity mindset and much of the energies in our modern society that keep us stuck in the outdated conditioning that’s been placed on us for years. Allow yourself to instill the knowledge of the Universe as you humbly bow to the Infinite.
Let the Music Speak
If you know me, you know how much I love music. Check out a playlist I’ve compiled for you featuring some of my favorite renditions of the mantras listed above over on Spotify to Unleash your Sacral Chakra.

[…] Therefore, kundalini practices typically place a lot of emphasis on working with the chakras. The kundalini tradition recommends various mantras for each […]
[…] Check out more exciting mantras to stimulate sacral energy meridians; […]