We are living in a new paradigm and part of that new paradigm involves people owning their worth, physically, emotionally, energetically, and monetary. As someone in the healing arts, healers have every right to make the money they deserve and are worthy of receiving. Being in this field, we give a lot and since we are here with the intention to be of service, there needs to be a balance happening in order to truly anchor in and restore equanimity in the world. This means healers need to receive. This is part of healing and honoring the Divine Masculine + Divine Feminine in our business and lives.
Healers hold a lot of space and we carry a lot of energy and transmute a lot of energy from the world outside of us. Dealing with energy work, it’s important for healers to take the time and invest in self-care rituals and most of the times that involves an exchange of money to be had. There’s a heavy stigma that’s been carried by the lineage of healers throughout history. Going back to ancient civilizations and the villages where many of these traditions came from, the healers and shamans were always taken care of by the village. But here in the Western World, we need money in order to pay for our services, our homes, our needs, our health.
This has obviously been a hot topic as more healers are recognizing their worth and their importance during these changing times. Healing the lineage of healers in terms of the topic with money, we are facing a time where it’s important for healers to have a healthy relationship with their money. As today is a New Moon in Capricorn, the cosmos are aligned for us to get clear and set the foundation. This means taking the time to honor money and to appreciate money and what it’s worth… no pun intended.
Luckily, there are awesome healers out there empowering other healers and reminding them that it’s okay to make money. Enter Lara Rose Duong, aka The Modern Money Witch. I came across this woman on Instagram and I was instantly drawn to her. Sharing Sigils, Money Honey Practices, and bringing the Spiritual Element around the topic of money, Lara’s mission is to help people unleash their inner Rich Witch.
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In this conversation, Lara and I talked about…
☾ the topic of Healers and earning their Money Honey
☾ Healing the scarcity mindset carried from our ancestors
☾ the Influence of Quan Yin + Lakshmi in Lara’s life to create prosperity
☾ Money as a form of communication in our modern times
☾ Healing our mindset around money
☾ Why Money and Love run on the same frequency
☾ How to truly anchor in the abundance that’s waiting for you
☾ The importance of being at full capacity + allowing yourself to fill up your cup
☾ How to serve and fulfill your dharma authentically
☾ Working with Sigil, power symbols to manifest your desires
☾ Creating change and a new heart economy
☾ What it means to Really be in your comfort zone
☾ Understanding the old economy and anchoring in a new economy to heal Mamma Gaia
☾ Our worthiness being inherent, not what’s in your bank account
☾ Having purpose with your money and allowing your money honey to be in alignment with your Divine Guidance
☾ Healing the Race War that’s been carried for generations
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Money can be used as a way to vote. Your money has power and the way you spend your money makes an impact on the world. Being conscious as to where your money goes and who your money supports is crucial in today’s day and age. This is how the people truly have power. Allowing your money to support non-profits, local businesses, small business and to be of service allows you to truly make a change in the world today. There’s no shame about wanting money. It’s simply energy. Give money with your whole heart, not out of obligation. Give if it’s in purpose and it’s in alignment with your heart. This is how you show money respect and how money respects you.
Discover More About Lara-Rose
Lara-Rose mentors activated women on their unique prosperity paths. She is a traditional financial adviser turned Modern Money Witch who marries spiritual and financial rituals to help her clients create prosperous lives and unleash their own inner Rich Witches.
Lara-Rose’s soul work revolves around engaging in the full spectrum conversation around money honey and prosperity in all areas of life. She is committed to helping the women across from her to heal their money honey stories and to have them singing the mantra “Love is Money”.
Lara-Rose empowers her clients to discover that they have the strength, wisdom, and knowledge inside of them to be the Queens of their own cash flow. She holds sacred space for women to define prosperity and luxury on their own terms, and her work is now featured in The Numinous, among other publications online.
Website | www.lararoseduong.com
Rich Witch Circle with LRD (on FB) | bit.ly/richwitchcircle
Instagram | @lararoseduong
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