In a world of lots of noise and commotion, our intuition is here as our guiding voice towards energetic self sovereignty. While we’re here navigating through the world of social media, mass consumerism and consumption, spiritual leaders like author Natalie Miles are answering the call to implement real change. With her first book You Are Intuitive, Natalie is on a mission to help people trust their Truth and take back their power.
True leadership in times like these is about using your platform and voice to implement real change in the collective. While we’re only getting started in this evolutionary process, radical self-care, sovereign embodiment, and dismantling conditions, labels, and systems that are out of integrity are non-negotiable. And while new systems are out there to keep liberty, justice, and radical expression alive during this art renaissance, it’s time to dismantle what’s out of alignment and illuminate the illusions once and for all.

In this episode, we talk about…
◆ Illuminating the illusion in the spiritual community + the world at large
◆ Energetic Self Sovereignty in the world of social media into 2021 + beyond
◆ Honoring your intuition amongst the noise of the collective
◆ Transcending human labels and what it means to be embodied during the ascension process from 3d to 5d
◆ Answering YOUR call to be the change
◆ Natalie’s book writing process beyond the big publishing house systems
◆ Free Speech + Censorship during the Golden Era art renaissance
…plus so much more
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◆ Discover Natalie Miles ◆
Natalie Miles is an international Psychic Medium, Writer, Speaker, and Host of top spiritual podcast “So You Think You’re Intuitive?” Known for her down-to-earth approach, it is her mission to make intuition accessible to everyone. In her work with individuals and groups, she guides clients to use their intuition to look at what’s holding them back in the here and now, empowering them to take action on their inner truths. She lives in Vancouver, Canada.

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