There has been a wave of information being shared around the world for alternative medicines and holistic practices. People are waking up and are consciously choosing to live healthier lives. One area that is overlooked is our oral health. We forget that in order for us to survive, we must be aware of what we put into our bodies. The obvious component is our food. Food is our medicine. It literally fuels us so that we may live a life worthwhile.
It goes without saying, people are seeing the cost of living increase, especially in our healthcare systems. Those who are conscious and aware see that our health care system has failed because it doesn’t focus on preventive health care. When we make healthy choices and intentionally choose to live a lifestyle that is centered on health, we reclaim our power.
One of my personal go to self-care practices I’ve grown to not only love, but I’ve become obsessed with is Oil Pulling. This practice is my favorite way to start my day. As part of my daily morning ritual, I clear away the yuck of yesterday and live with the intention to start my day with a clean tongue and a clean slate as I recognize that my words are power.
Read about my Nine Late-Night Self Love Rituals
Oil Pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic ritual for improving health. It is estimated that this practice has been around for over 3000 years. Swishing around pure oils in your mouth such as sesame or coconut oil will help pull out harmful bacteria, fungus, or other harmful organisms from your mouth, teeth, and throat.
As you begin oil pulling on the reg, you can literally prevent unnecessary dentist visits. Our teeth rot because of the bacteria inside our bodies and because of the food we eat. As you find your consistent ritual of oil pulling, you begin to feel good. People who feel good are those who are aware of all areas in their lives. We feel best when we are living a whole and holistic life because we are aware that we are living with purpose.
Be aware, you should NEVER swallow any of the oils you are using as you are pulling. Think about it. We are oil pulling to release the toxins out of our mouths and our body. If we ingest it, we are literally ingesting toxins. We want to release what isn’t serving our bodies. This is why it is crucial for you to brush your teeth with an all natural, fluoride-free toothpaste. Many toothpastes in the market are FILLED with chemicals that are actually detrimental to our health. Because of this, our pineal gland, the part of the brain that connects us to our intuition, is actually calcified. No bueno. This means you have a harder time connecting to your intuition and allowing Spirit to communicate with you. This is what we like to call our Third Eye. The Third Eye allows us to see the world through the eyes of Spirit. We want to make sure we do everything we can to keep this space crystal clear as we go forth and build our queendom with grace.

I’m not going to lie. When I first began oil pulling, I was overwhelmed with the amount of oil I was putting in my mouth. 1 Tablespoon?! Yes, you heard me right… 1 tablespoon is what you’ll need. As you start to include oil pulling as part of your daily self- care ritual, it won’t be as overwhelming.
Before you embark on your new relationship with Coconut Oil, I want you to be aware that quality matters. You MUST make sure you are using Extra Virgin, COLD PRESSED ORGANIC Coconut Oil. Remember, you are here to clean the bacteria in your mouth. You deserve nothing but the best.

This is why Oil Pulling is bound to be your new BFF. Because you are extracting all the bacteria out of your mouth, did you know Oil Pulling helps you release weight? HOLLA! Using Coconut Oil on a daily basis also allows you to reap some benefits outside of oral care including having better skin and digestion, and Oil Pulling helps liver and kidney function and regulate sleep? I know all you insomniacs out there can appreciate that one!
Some of my favorite benefits of Oil Pulling include
↠ Increased energy
↠ Helps bleeding gums
↠ Detoxifying the body
↠ Helps conquer bad breath
↠ Whitens teeth
↠ Helps overturn hangovers (oh hayyyy!)
↠ Reduces migraines
↠ Reduces insomnia
↠ Brings clarity to the mind (ommmmmmmm)
↠ Heals gums
↠ Strengthens teeth
↠ Clears the Sinuses
↠ Fights inflammation
↠ Helps with acne
↠ Supports healthy liver and kidney function
When you first wake up in the morning, look yourself in the mirror and tell the one you’re with how beautiful she is.
Personally, I love to start by scraping my tongue to clear away the residue of the day before. From there, grab yourself 1 tablespoon of your Extra Virgin Organic Coconut Oil and put it in your mouth.
Set your timer for 20 minutes and swish swish swish! There is something behind the 20 minutes. This is the amount of time it takes to gather and extract the bacteria trapped in your mouth. As the coconut oil becomes BFFs with your saliva, you will produce almost twice the amount of fluid than when you first began. You will also notice it being a milky white fluid that has become much thicker than when you first began. During this time, you’re releasing all the toxins. It isn’t enough time to reabsorb what it is you are extracting, so don’t worry.
Spit it out in the Trash Can. Whatever you do, DO NOT SWALLOW. You just released all the toxins, why would you want to ingest it? It just doesn’t make any sense. Other than swallowing the fluid, the worse thing you can do is spit it into the sink. This is a big no no! You can end up clogging the drains and the pipes which will leave you with even a bigger disaster than what’s in your mouth when you first wake up.
Rinse your mouth with warm water. Swishing warm water a few times allows you to make sure all the bacteria is out of your mouth.
Brush your teeth well.
Check out those pearly whites!

When I think about Coconut Oil, I think of that meme, I have 99 problems and Coconut Oil solved 86 of them. It’s totally TRUE! Coconut Oil needs to be in every pantry. This is my go-to for so many issues I may come across.
Here’s a list of other great uses for Coconut Oil
Cooking! I love to sautee my veggies in Coconut Oil, especially Kale as a snack
Pets – My puppy dog Bud is Albino. With his sensitive skin, I find him constantly licking the pads of his paws. When he’s gnawed his paws, I rub coconut oil over his pads. This way if he licks it off, this antifungal is entering his system and helps relieve the pain. It also stops the irritation. If he has a tummy ache, I also put some in his food to help him feel better.
Rub it all over your body after a shower to moisturize your skin.
Did someone say hair mask? I first began using Coconut Oil as a hair mask when I lived in Thailand. The humidity, the water, and the sun took a toll on my long, curly hair. To this day, Coconut Oil is my go to hair mask. It helps me add more moisture into my dry hair and allows my split ends to get stronger.
Eye Makeup remover. I’ve been more aware of what products I use on my face. Coconut oil allows me to get my makeup off easily.
Shaving Gel. If you want to get a close shave, this is my favorite thing to use!
Add it to your tea or coffee. It’s like vegan bulletproof coffee. The fats will help you fill up, giving you the energy you need to thrive.
Lube. Yes, I said it. Lube.
Have you ever tried oil pulling? If so, I’d love to hear the benefits you’ve found along the way. What are some of your favorite uses of coconut oil? Coconut Oil is truly the holy grail. It is my favorite thing in my pantry. I’m guilty and have bottles of it all over the house. Oil Pulling is a cheap and affordable way for you to stay healthy and to reclaim your health. This is your chance to take charge and reclaim your sovereignty starting with your oral care.
Keep me posted! I love to chat with you in the comments below!
xx Sabrina

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