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gray asphalt road surrounded by tall trees

Remember, it’s Always Darkest Before The Dawn

Spiritual Journey

Over the years and throughout my own Spiritual Journey, there has been nothing I’ve accepted and honored more than doing Shadow Work. Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Why on Earth would I ever want to go to that darker side?!” and I get it. But the truth of the matter is simple, we do the shadow work to recognize the light.

July 23, 2022

Can you feel the shift? On August 8th, we welcome in the opening of the Stargate. As we ALL know, these past few months have been INTENSE. As we’ve witnessed some Radical planetary retrogrades, we are also seeing our world shake up. We are calling in change. We are calling in a new earth. We are calling in more love. But first, we must be grounded and we must want this for ourselves.

August 9, 2016

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