There is a Way Through Every Block

As we embark on the Aquarian Age, we have been gifted the 5 Sutras of the Aquarian Age. These Sutras are the threads that weave together the infinite with the finite. Heaven on Earth is possible when we live our truth, with the intention to bring love and compassion to the world. Every two thousand years, time moves us backwards through the astrological signs. 2012 brought us the Aquarian Age, a more loving and compassionate era. And as we navigate through these changing times, we must remember, there’s a way through every block.

When the Age of Pisces emerged, chaos was prevalent as the Roman Empire fell and rise of power began. The theme of Piscean Age was about domination and control yet they also brought us to a place where spirituality emerged. We saw the rise of Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism. The values of the Piscean Age centered around money, power, and control. These have been replaced with a softer, more feminine vibe; values of love, compassion, unity, community, and authenticity.

What we saw the Piscean Age was a more egoic era which resulted in us creating boundaries and separation. To live life from the ego no longer sustains us or humanity. No longer shall humanity stand divided for in the Aquarian Age, our values are one with the Infinite.

As our consciousness expands during this time, we are more familiar and in alignment with our soul which is always connected to the soul in all. These Five Sutras give us the ability to jumpstart this new age hand in hand with the Divine. This Divine Intervention is paving the road for the years to come, not just for our own endeavor, but for where humanity is going and for the generations to come.



Aad such, jugaad such, haibhay such, Naanak hosee bhay such.

    There is a Way Through Every Block. Be grateful for your blocks! Your blocks are there to remind you and to show you that… YOU’RE ALIVE! If we didn’t have any challenges, what lessons could we learn from? Challenges arise for you to heal something or to grow. Challenges allow us to embrace change. Blocks are inevitable, it all just depends if we allow these blocks to overrule our lives or if we allow ourselves to transcend from these blocks. 



Be willing to see things differently

Challenges presents us the opportunity to open our hearts wider. While we are experiencing and going through the challenge that is presented to us, it is important for us to remember that the silver lining is on its way. On the other side of the challenge is the light. If we see the challenge from a different perspective, we can see it for something greater that will come out of it rather than something horrible. When we are stuck in the mindset that the situation is horrible, we have lost touch with the neutral mind, because what is, is.

During those difficult times, we forget that this too shall pass. We forget that there is another way to look at it when we are so consumed in wallowing in our sorrows. All that is required for us is to open our hearts and to see the opportunity the situation is presenting to us. Focus on your breathing.

Allow yourself to immerse into what you are feeling. Don’t look away from it because all it is going to do is build up and explode. Truly feel the emotions that you are witnessing and let them ride out. Release them! 

Something to always remember with the situation that is at hand is that we are not alone on this journey. There’s a way through every block. We can call on our spirit guides, our angels, and the Divine to come in and help us. Because we are gifted with free will, they will not intervene unless we call upon them.

Understanding Difficult Challenges

The difficult challenges are there so that we can appreciate the flows in life. With an attitude of gratitude, it’s important to embrace every situation. We cannot allow the dark times to overrule our happiness. Nor can we not  allow the difficult situations to control our wellbeing.

We have to recognize that as we go through these blocks, we are going to be letting go of something which for some is difficult for people to grasp and understand. Change is inevitable, but we must be excited for the unknown and what’s in store as we release what doesn’t serve us. We are allowing a new habit to come into our lives. A habit that actually supports us and our wellbeing rather than a habit that hinders our spiritual growth and hides our light.

Billy Graham once said, “All the masterpieces of art contain both light and shadow. A happy life is not one filled with only sunshine, but one which uses both light and shadow to produce beauty.“ Never doubt in darkness what God has shown in light. Change happens when we release the things that don’t serve us. We get through the blocks when we focus on love.

Kundalini Yoga Sutra : There's a Way Through Every Block

Kundalini Yoga

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sabrina here!

Let's just say it, you came here to revolutionize the world with your medicine. Thanks to the blessing of social media and modern technology, you have the opportunity to build an online empire that not only allows you to be part of the soul-ution, but there are also resources to help you create smarter, not harder so that you can truly make the most of your life. Since your business is an extension of you, it's up to YOU to define what success means to you... I mean, that's the definition of sovereignty, right?

My passion for social justice, modern medicine, sovereign embodiment, and soulful systems has fueled and inspired me to help Sovereign Leaders, like you, in activating their legacy and impacting their communities all while utilizing systems + strategies for sustainable success.

What I know for sure is that you have what it takes to design the business and life you not only desire most, but that's also in alignment with You. Best believe that if you're ready to nourish your online empire as you continue to answer the call to unleash your medicine, you found yourself at the right place.

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