Anahata, the Heart Chakra is developed between the ages of 22-28. There’s no accident that most of our 20s, we are doing the true work of self-discovery. Allowing ourselves to heal the lower triangle that was developed before we turn 21, we find ourselves loving our inner child, seeing what’s happening with our perspective about ourselves and the world at large.
The journey back to the Heart is CRUCIAL in the Golden Era. As we continue to live from a space of authenticity, vulnerability, and compassion, being able to lead with our hearts allows us to not only Recognize the Other Person as ourselves but also, it helps elevate and heal the collective consciousness on the planet. It’s a journey to the heart. We must be willing to do the work to heal and transmute our trauma, limiting beliefs, and the stories we’ve been telling ourselves that have kept us playing small.
This is why activism is potent for 20-somethings. They can witness and see what needs more love, where we can open our hearts, and shower those who are yearning for love once we’ve done the work ourselves. Passion and Compassion come from the heart. Ruled by the planet Jupiter, we can expand ourselves as we can see the connection amongst all where there is no place where I end and you begin. We are all in this together and as we live from our heart centers, we can infuse the world with the love it’s been waiting for.
Healing the Lower Triangle
The Heart Chakra can be fully opened and activated once we allow ourselves to do deeper healing. The wounds and stories from our past are often stored in the Lower Triangle. Healing the lower triangle allows us the capacity to come from a space of being grounded and able to connect our physical 3D reality to our 5D collective consciousness that’s unified with love. The upper triangle represents the throat, third eye, and the crown, AKA our Spiritual body.
The heart is the centerpiece that allows the balance of the physical body and the spiritual body, which allow us to expand our minds, keeping our feet on the ground and our head in the stars. I’ve shared with you some of my favorite Kundalini Mantras to Open your Heart Chakra. As you open your heart, trust the process of life, honor what arises, heal those emotional wounds, forgive, connect, cultivate healthy relationships, transcend those limiting beliefs, and most of all, have fun. You came here to enjoy this human experience.

Chattra Chakkra Vartee | Mantra for the Heart Center
Complete Mantra::
Chattra Chakkra Vartee, Chattra Chakkra Bhugatay, Suyambhav Subhang Sarab Daa Saraab Jugatay.Chattra Chakkra Vartee, Chattra Chakkra Bhugatay, Suyambhav Subhang Sarab Daa Saraab Jugatay.
Dukaalan Pranasee, Diaalang Saroopay, Sadaa Ang Sangay, Abhangang Bibhutaay
You are pervading in all the four directions, the Enjoyer in all the four directions. You are self-illumined, profoundly beautiful, and united with all. Destroyer of the torments of birth and death, the embodiment of mercy. You are ever within us. You are the everlasting giver of indestructible power.
About this Mantra::
This mantra is taken from the last four lines of Guru Gobind Singh’s Jaap Sahib. It is a mantra used to remove fear, anxiety, and phobias. It is a mantra to make one experience victory.
“Chattr Chakkr Vartee is the mantra for the heart center, it gives direct energy to it. When you are sinking, if you know this mantra and can sing it, you can totally recuperate yourself.” — Yogi Bhajan
Guru Ram Das | Mantra for Miracles

Complete Mantra::
Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru
Guru – teacher or guide that brings one from the darkness to the light.
Wahe – exclamation of ecstasy like ”WOW!”
Ram Das – literally translates as “God’s Servant”, but also refers to Guru Ram Das, the Fourth Guru of the Sikh
About this Mantra::
This mantra was given to Yogi Bhajan by Guru Ram Das in His astral self. As Guru Ram Das, the fourth Guru of the Sikhs, was known for humility and healing abilities this mantra is also known for its healing qualities and for imparting humility to the one who chants it.
This mantra relates directly to healing and protective energy represented by Guru Ram Das. The mantra is comprised of two parts. The first part is a nirgun mantra (Guru Guru Wahe Guru). This projects the mind to the source of knowledge and ecstasy. The second part is a sirgun mantra (Guru Ram Das Guru). This means the wisdom that comes as a servant of the infinite. It is the mantra of humility. It reconnects the experience of the finite to infinity.
Ra Ma Da Sa | Mantra for Healing

Complete Mantra::
Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung
Ra – Sun
Ma – Moon
Daa – Earth
Saa – Impersonal Infinity
Saa Say – Totality of Infinity
So – Personal sense of merger and identity
Hung – The infinite, vibrating, and real.
About this Mantra::
This mantra taps into the energies of the sun, moon, earth, and the Infinite Spirit to bring deep healing. It can be chanted to heal the self or to send healing energy to anyone you wish.
Ong So Hung | Mantra to Embody your Spiritual Power

Complete Mantra::
Ong So Hung
Ong – The Creative Consciousness of the Universe
Sohung – I am that!
About this Mantra::
Chanting this mantra stimulates and opens the heart chakra. It is a beautiful recognition that each of us is a part of the Creative Consciousness of the Universe. As you repeat this mantra, you begin to further enhance and reinforce its power. Energetically, you begin to come into alignment with the Creative Consciousness that allows your individual vibration to be elevated to this level of awareness and connection.
Humee Hum Brahm Hum | Mantra to Evoke the Spirit of God Within

Complete Mantra::
Humee Hum Brahm Hum
We are We. We are God.
About this Mantra::
This mantra literally means that we are the spirit of God. It is total spirit. Total spirit represents God. It fixes the identity into its true reality.
Let the Music Speak
If you know me, you know how much I love music. Check out a playlist I’ve compiled for you featuring some of my favorite renditions of the mantras listed above over on Spotify for the Heart Center.

Can I ask if the top image, which is also the on the link image the blog, has a specific repesentative meaning?
[…] as the mantra for healing yourself and others using universal life force energy. This is an ability associated with a healthy heart […]
[…] Complete Mantra: Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das GuruAbout this Mantra: This mantra was given to Yogi Bhajan by Guru Ram Das in His astral self. As Guru Ram Das, the fourth Guru of the Sikhs, was known for humility and healing abilities this mantra is also known for its healing qualities and for imparting humility to the one who chants it.Explore more heart opening mantras here. […]