on the hunt for something specific?

he latet using

gray asphalt road surrounded by tall trees

Remember, it’s Always Darkest Before The Dawn

Spiritual Journey

Over the years and throughout my own Spiritual Journey, there has been nothing I’ve accepted and honored more than doing Shadow Work. Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Why on Earth would I ever want to go to that darker side?!” and I get it. But the truth of the matter is simple, we do the shadow work to recognize the light.

July 23, 2022

Ever since I was a little girl, I loved to play with fire. Growing up in the California desert, White Sage was always around. After any gathering, Mom would clear the house and open all the doors to release what didn’t belong in our sacred space. As I got older and dove deeper into my spiritual practice, I rediscovered Palo Santo. As a Peruvian Shaman in my past life, that Plant Medicine became the missing piece in my life. Since then, smudging became my daily ritual.

March 21, 2017

5 Crystals to Balance your Root Chakra

Spiritual Living

Working with crystals allow us to transmute stuck vibrations that leave us feeling heavy and low. Support your Root Chakra with these Powerful Crystals.

November 1, 2016

aerial photo of highway

‘This is the way I’ve heard the legend, passed down through the ages.’ A time will come when the earth and all of life will need our help. At this time a tribe will gather from all cultures of the world. They will be recognized by their spirit connection + life giving actions toward the finned, the winged, the creeping crawling, the standing green growing, the four legged, two legged nations and all that is. They will awaken humankind to find a star inside themselves. This star will guide them to overcome the mountains of ignorance, prejudice hatred and fear through compassion harmony and honor. They will find a new song a new dream. The beautiful bow that hangs in the sky after a storm is a monument to these ones.
I believe we are living in this time now. All of us with this vision are the tribe, we are the rainbow warriors, we will heal the world. We are the cherished dream and vision of the ancient ones of long ago.— Silversong Cree / Blackfoot

October 27, 2016

What the Lions Gate 8.8 Portal Means for You

Astro Alignment

Can you feel the shift? On August 8th, we welcome in the opening of the Stargate. As we ALL know, these past few months have been INTENSE. As we’ve witnessed some Radical planetary retrogrades, we are also seeing our world shake up. We are calling in change. We are calling in a new earth. We are calling in more love. But first, we must be grounded and we must want this for ourselves.

August 9, 2016

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