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Spirit speaks to those who listen and when you’re told to go on a spontaneous trip to Costa Rica and leave in 4 days, you go. As I’ve been working on deep sacral chakra healing, I’ve allowed myself to honor my journey and to trust the process as I go forth and heal my inner child. She was abused, pained, depressed, and lost.

March 3, 2017

As we witness history in the making with events like Standing Rock and the #NODAPL movement, we are called to gather the troops and come together in unity. There are many spiritual lessons for us to learn from this experience and in this episode, Sabrina talks about the Astrological influence behind our generation and why we are the ones we’ve been waiting for

December 6, 2016

When you take on this role of a spiritual teacher, you are constantly helping others. This is all I’ve known. I had to push away the people I love the most because deep down I knew I couldn’t give them the love I genuinely wanted to give them because I needed to learn to be selfish and love myself first. Growing up a people pleaser and in the service industry has been the greatest blessing and curse at the same time. I love to give, but it got to the point that I wasn’t giving to myself as much as I was giving to others.

November 25, 2016

In this first episode of SOVEREIGN GODDESS, meet the host, Sabrina Riccio. As the founder of Shamanessa Goddessa, she is here to radiate her truth and her light to inspire women to honor all facets of the human experience. In this episode, you’ll hear her vulnerable and authentic journey that helped her reclaim her sovereignty. Discover the driving force and intention behind the Sovereign Goddess Podcast and why this is the time for us to finally step out of the spiritual closet and share our message with the world as we goes forth and build our queendom with grace.

November 9, 2016

food wood nature art

Up until now, we’ve grown up in a society believing that something or someone outside of us is the one that is going to “fix” us. We travel to distant places, visit healers, participate in ceremonies just so we can be released from the prison we perceive. No doubt, there is a deep yearning right now. While people love to say that spirituality is a “trend,” there is a reason why the spiritual movement has been rapidly growing.

People want freedom. People want to heal. People want to connect with their divinity. People. Want. Answers.

October 12, 2016

nature fashion people woman

As a Priestess who has heard the call to help empower the Divine Feminine, when I came across this beautiful piece from Sophie Bashford, my heart soared. As women, we have heard the call to awaken to our truth and to embrace our light. Going forth, we stand our ground with confidence and conviction. We know our worth and we are fully aware that we deserve the same amount of love we put out into the world.

August 12, 2016

Kundalini Yoga Sutra : There's a Way Through Every Block

There is a Way Through Every Block. Be grateful for your blocks! Challenges arise for you to heal something or to grow. Challenges allow us to embrace change.

December 27, 2015


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