he latet using

In a world where spiritual leaders can be revered and trusted, it can be a challenging revelation when their true intentions come to light. The recent exposé of John of God, a once highly acclaimed spiritual medium, as a sexual predator has sent shockwaves through the spiritual community. As someone who sought healing and answers, […]

May 4, 2024

In a world filled with challenges and uncertainties, finding inner peace and reclaiming our power is a journey many of us embark on. Today, on the auspicious 4/4 portal, let’s delve into a message of spiritual revival and personal empowerment that transcends boundaries and ignites the flames of change within us. Journey of Healing and […]

April 4, 2024

What’s the best way to unlock your true potential and navigate the transformative times we’re living in? This video dives deep into the essence of Sovereign Leadership Activation, a concept pivotal for anyone aiming to lead with purpose and vision. We explore the importance of embracing change in a world characterized by massive shifts, and […]

March 9, 2024

The most important planetary transit of 2024 has arrived… Pluto in Aquarius. While we’ve been recently witnessing a sneak peek into the shifts of Pluto in Aquarius happening in humanity post-2020, and as more and more people are speaking up and demanding Israel bring about a permanent ceasefire to the Palestinean people, the Divine will […]

January 20, 2024

How to Overcome Comparison Paralysis in Discovering your True Self

If you’re someone who’s been caught up in the comparison paralysis of what other people are doing and you’re upset that you’re not exactly there yet, it’s important to remember that each of us has our unique journey in life. And while we embark on the journey of self-discovery, it’s important to understand the importance […]

September 20, 2023

In case you didn’t realize… the Piscean Dark Ages are over. We have officially transitioned into the Golden Era of the Aquarian Age. Now’s the time for us to finally reclaim our power from our past, from dark forces and people, organizations, and experiences outside of ourselves, from our own inner demons, and from anyone […]

March 22, 2023

With the Full Moon in Gemini conjunct Mars Retrograde, Neptune moving Direct in Pisces, and the 22222 portal to close out 2022, we are navigating through a revolutionary time in hue-man history that is inviting us to truly prepare for miracles, shifts, and overall new reality. After a recent health scare, I decided to record […]

December 7, 2022

women sitting on floor doing meditation and relaxation

What is a Kundalini Activation? How do we know when we’re experiencing one? What symptoms should we look out for? Here, you’re going to learn all about Kundalini Activations, how you can tell you’re experiencing them, and stay tuned to the end because I’m going to be sharing with you how Kundalini Activations help you […]

October 1, 2022

gray asphalt road surrounded by tall trees

Over the years and throughout my own Spiritual Journey, there has been nothing I’ve accepted and honored more than doing Shadow Work. Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Why on Earth would I ever want to go to that darker side?!” and I get it. But the truth of the matter is simple, we do the shadow work to recognize the light.

July 23, 2022

** TRIGGER WARNING ** Embarking on my personal Dark Night of the Soul journey over the years, I found myself experiencing an array of highs and lows. Hands down, one of the more challenging experiences has been around my health. Closing out my Saturn Return, I found myself in and out of hospitals, doctors’ appointments, […]

April 13, 2022

flatlay display of electronics next to eyeglases

It’s no secret that Instagram over the past few months has favored video content, negatively affecting the engagement for many users on the platform. After being hacked on Instagram and experiencing this firsthand, Sabrina has come to share with her followers how to continue to build your online brand and engage with your online community […]

April 1, 2022

a statue inside a cemetery

After losing her best friend at the age of 3, and recently losing three very important people in her life, Sabrina has a deep understanding of death and grief and how to continue to navigate your journey, even when you may not want to. Through inner reflection, you can escape the victim mentality that may […]

March 16, 2022


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