Because the coaching industry has conditioned aspiring coaches, mentors, and leaders to focus on selling to their pain points rather than the transformation they get to experience by taking the leap, we’ve witnessed a community of people suffering for far too long. Burnout is the definition of suffering and the opposite of freedom, flow, sustainability, […]
My love of plant medicines has given me the opportunity to work with Gaia to heal my body, mind + soul. Turning to the yogi principals and teachings that have been passed down, this is me taking responsibility for my life and my health on a sovereign + conscious level. Lately, I’ve been hearing the call to be drinking more golden mylk!
One of my personal go to self-care practices I’ve grown to not only love, but I’ve become obsessed with is Oil Pulling. This practice is my favorite way to start my day. As part of my daily morning ritual, I clear away the yuck of yesterday and live with the intention to start my day with a clean tongue and a clean slate as I recognize that my words are power.