nwer he call   overeign eader


he latet using

While 8% of people achieve their New Years Resolutions, 80% fail by February… That’s insane! We have these visions and dreams and we want to make the shift, but how much do we really want it? As we embark on our last weeks of what has been a wild 2017, we have the grit and the opportunity to get a head start of our New Years resolutions by starting NOW. All your power and presence starts in this present moment. Rather than having our goals and desires be a pipe dream, taking the action steps today towards what it is you’re ready to manifest and realize gives you a boost and helps you on the path to a Kick Ass 2018.

November 17, 2017

After years of hiding behind brands, I finally came out of the closet and stepped into my brilliance and radiance as Sabrina Riccio. For the past two years, I hid behind Shamanessa Goddessa and while she’s evolving, I too have evolved. It wasn’t until I was bitch slapped by Spirit to change my name that I actually had the courage to do so. It was a massive ego check for me to wake up and to own who I am at the core of my be-ing…

September 30, 2017

Diving Timing is always the name of the game. When it comes to manifesting your dream house, patience is everything. In this episode of the Sovereign Goddess Podcast, I talked about my Manifestation Journey to birth the new headquarters of Shamanessa Goddessa over in Joshua Tree, CA. The Creosote Casita was something I knew was coming, but I didn’t know how.

September 19, 2017

I want to talk to you about the Spiritual Journey… oh the Spiritual Journey. It’s a wild ride. What they don’t tell you about the Spiritual Journey is that shit can get messy… believe me, I know first hand. Been there. Done that. My story was FAAAAR from being all unicorns and rainbows. My shadows have become the breeding ground for the Sabrina I am today…

June 17, 2017

Ever since I was a little girl, I loved to play with fire. Growing up in the California desert, White Sage was always around. After any gathering, Mom would clear the house and open all the doors to release what didn’t belong in our sacred space. As I got older and dove deeper into my spiritual practice, I rediscovered Palo Santo. As a Peruvian Shaman in my past life, that Plant Medicine became the missing piece in my life. Since then, smudging became my daily ritual.

March 21, 2017

For 5 years, I was afraid to speak my truth on what was really on my heart. Doing my best to “fit in” the yoga community while doing my best to also figure out who I am, I realized I was hiding in the spiritual closet. For years, I was afraid to shine my light because I carried shame after a difficult LSD experience. After feeling like I disappointed society, I carried that shame until very recently…

March 12, 2017

We have been given the opportunity as spiritual beings to reconnect with our truth. In essence, we were made for this, if not, we wouldn’t be here during this time. As a spiritual warrior, I know I’ve done this for lifetimes. Now though, I refuse to sit back and be silenced. In order for us to do our work here on this planet, we must make sure we are honoring ourselves and taking care of our minds, bodies, and spirits.

February 2, 2017

As we witness history in the making with events like Standing Rock and the #NODAPL movement, we are called to gather the troops and come together in unity. There are many spiritual lessons for us to learn from this experience and in this episode, Sabrina talks about the Astrological influence behind our generation and why we are the ones we’ve been waiting for

December 6, 2016

In this first episode of SOVEREIGN GODDESS, meet the host, Sabrina Riccio. As the founder of Shamanessa Goddessa, she is here to radiate her truth and her light to inspire women to honor all facets of the human experience. In this episode, you’ll hear her vulnerable and authentic journey that helped her reclaim her sovereignty. Discover the driving force and intention behind the Sovereign Goddess Podcast and why this is the time for us to finally step out of the spiritual closet and share our message with the world as we goes forth and build our queendom with grace.

November 9, 2016

Self-Love comes when we are able to do fill our cup + honor ourselves. Wind down from the day + give yourself permission to honor you with these practices.

July 7, 2016


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