When we’re ready to take the leap and invest in ourselves and/or our business, it’s important to address the elephant in the room. For way too long, marketing tactics have been to connect via trauma bonds where many times, it’s been around the agenda that a potential client is “missing something” and you carry the […]
As the Great Awakening continues to unfold, the veils are being lifted and the Truth is being exposed. The false light has disguised itself as the truth when in reality, it’s been one of the greatest, if not, the underlying issue inside the health and wellness and spiritual worlds. One of the greatest conversations to […]
Transcending the childhood traumas, ancestral karma, and societal conditioning, the greatest opportunity for us to embody our sovereignty is NOW. Unfortunately, we’ve also witnessed dogma in conditioning not just in religious upbringing, but also with the New Age movement. As we honor the Solstice and the Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, it’s time to […]
As we approach the 2020 Election Season, it’s important for you to honor your energy + overall sanity by nourishing your mental health + wellbeing. Yes, times are testy. Truth be told, you were made to slay this wild journey and times we’re living. You bring something to the collective unlike anyone else. From your […]
We all know how wild and intense 2020’s been. Truth be told, we are navigating through a spiritual war that’s been going on for tens of thousands of years. Because we are stepping into and anchoring the Golden Era where love takes the lead, we must first be willing to face, heal, and transmute anything […]
Without a doubt, the plants are speaking to us and through us because this is the time for us to become more conscious about sustainability and how we can truly honor Mamma Gaia. As more people remember the ancestral teachings of plant medicine, we as a collective are about to change the game in the world of healing and medicine by going back to basics. Herbalist and Author of the upcoming Guidebook Plants for the People, Erin Lovell Verinder is here to help us embrace the healing modality of plant medicine so that we can cultivate a deeper symbiotic relationship with the plants.
Throughout our lives, each of us has a powerful story to share. Thing is, many are afraid of unleashing their medicine by sharing from that space of authenticity and vulnerability. We are living in times where we can truly embrace the fact that #vulnerabilityissexy. It’s how we cultivate more of what this world’s been craving… connection.
Embodiment is everything. As are you implementing the tools and the practices for you to go out there and share your medicine with the world. While it may feel as though your industry is oversaturated, truth is, there’s no one who can do it quite like you. No one who’s experienced what you have. No one who carries your essence and your unique magic. Life + Success Coach Lexi D’Angelo believes that each of us has the power and opportunity to cultivate sustainable and fulfilling success in whatever it is we choose to share with the world.
We are on the precipice of massive shifts in the collective and in the spiritual community as a whole. As more people are awakening from the illusion and piercing through the veil, it’s time for us to have an honest and genuine conversation on what it means to be a spiritual being having a human […]
As we embark on a new season, it’s time for us to rebirth ourselves and to take the initiative to align to our Truth. This requires us to not only take inventory about our thoughts and views, but also, if we’re taking action to make those dreams our reality. Fear has been running the show […]
While I’ve been away for the past 5 weeks, best believe I’ve been filling my cup with doses of healing, supporting the Babes of THRIVE, and choosing to educate myself about one of my greatest passions, politics. I’ve been an activist since first asking my DARE officer why cannabis is a bad thing if Susan […]