The medicine of the golden age is about understanding the interconnectedness of the mystical and the practical. And while collectively, we’ve been navigating through revolutionary and challenging times, through the medicine of mysticism, we can begin to put the pieces together as we continue forth to answer the call to live out our soul’s deeper […]
Navigating through the human experience, the journey of life will have its highs and lows. And through it all, it’s up to you to decide how you choose to accept, navigate, and make the most of the journey from surviving to thriving. Best believe golden nuggets of wisdom, curated strength, and the opportunity of embracing […]
Because the coaching industry has conditioned aspiring coaches, mentors, and leaders to focus on selling to their pain points rather than the transformation they get to experience by taking the leap, we’ve witnessed a community of people suffering for far too long. Burnout is the definition of suffering and the opposite of freedom, flow, sustainability, […]
Without a doubt, we are living and navigating through a time in human history where potent leadership is a non-negotiable. Not only are people choosing to rise up and unapologetically share who they are and their beliefs, most importantly, but they are also choosing to use their platforms to speak up and deliver the Truth […]
Because the coaching industry has conditioned aspiring coaches, mentors, and leaders to focus on selling to their pain points rather than the transformation they get to experience by taking the leap, we’ve witnessed a community of people suffering for far too long. Burnout is the definition of suffering and the opposite of freedom, flow, sustainability, […]
As we are calling in more good people, making good money, doing great things in the world, we are witnessing the world of money shift in our human experience. Thanks to the rise of crypto, interest in assets like gold, silver, and property, our monetary system are shifting in this Golden Age. With accountants and […]
As the popularity of online business continues to rise up, it’s important to bring about conversations, education, and information that can help legally protect the creative ones who are choosing to take the leap and be the change. Knowing the importance of Sacred Disruptors to take action, Nina Marinaro, ESQ. aka Nina The Lawyer is […]
With plant medicines and the rise in the collective to heal generational and racial trauma on a cellular level, transparency is nonnegotiable. Amanda Elise of Spiritually Dope is here to share her perspective on working with indigenous medicines + ceremonial practices and how these sacred medicines are here to implement real change in the collective […]
More than just building your business, but running your successful business comes down to you honoring your energy and truly valuing your time. As you begin to honor your cycle and how you feel during the various phases, you can begin to design a business and life that’s in alignment and truly supported, honoring the waves of your energy and emotional state. Back on the Sovereign Society Podcast is Brittany Reid and this time, we’re talking all about mastering your business through cyclical living.
Leading with integrity is the only way to be of service. As we continue to embark on the journey of anchoring the Aquarian Age, now, more than ever is it important for Truth, compassion, and sovereignty to reign supreme. And while committing to the deeper work is non-negotiable, you are able to move the masses […]
Your business is one of the greatest spiritual journeys you’ll ever endure. why? Because everything that’s out of alignment will be coming up to the surface for you to acknowledge so that you can create the space to call in what it is you desire most. And while there is a rise of interest in […]