Oh the Solar Plexus. I’ve been working on this chakra for years. Having experienced most of my trauma during it’s developmental years of 15-21, this was an area that was bound to bring me to my knees. Dealing with issues of low self-esteem, doubt, lack of confidence, abandonment issues, and lack of trust in the […]
The Sacral Chakra. Tied to our sexual and creative force, the Sacral Chakra holds much of our creative power. Known in Sanskrit as Swadhisthana, this power center carries passion, enthusiasm, and creativity. Developing during the ages of 8-14, we find this chakra gaining momentum during our pubescent years. If you find yourself having had a […]
For 5 years, I was afraid to speak my truth on what was really on my heart. Doing my best to “fit in” the yoga community while doing my best to also figure out who I am, I realized I was hiding in the spiritual closet. For years, I was afraid to shine my light because I carried shame after a difficult LSD experience. After feeling like I disappointed society, I carried that shame until very recently…
Vibrate the Cosmos. The Cosmos shall clear the path. Sometimes we get stuck in a rut, unaware of the vibrations we are radiating ourselves. We feel lost, alone, stuck, unmotivated, and just straight up out of sync with our lives and the life we want to live. When this happens, often times we are unaware of what energy we are putting out. Times like this call for an overhaul on our energetic being. It is time for us to get out of our egoic mind and gravitate towards our authentic self through pure awareness.
When the time is on you, start, and the pressure will be off. In this life, we are all in this together. We are all here to share our unique talents and gifts to the world. The best and essentially the only way to do that is if we embrace our authenticity. We are all tested to see how we will handle the situation that is in front of us. Some of us will procrastinate, others will focus on their fear-based minds, but those who will conquer times are those who are present with what is right in front of them.